chapter seven ( admiring the royal servant 2)

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"Your highness." Anna bowing her head.
"Rise my servant." The express said , but still staring at the smile girl in purple cloth behide her. She smile , and then looked at Anna.
"I'm glad you came Anna. How is lily?"
Anna was socked at her statement. 'How did she come to know lily ? How did she known my name?'
Anna hold her cold hands and bunked before replying to the empress.
" she well and healthy, your highness".
           Kaita could feel someone staring at her from upstairs. She looked up and saw a grown up teenger staring at her from the  upper room of the palace. He looks so handsome.Kaita looked at him for some seconds and took her eyes away. She holds Anna 's cloth tight ; telling her that she wasn't felling comfortable . the express looked at kaita and noticed her expression. She looked upstairs and saw her son still looking at kaita. The express looked back at kaita  and saw her digging her face to her purple hood. 'What a shy girl'.
"I'm sorry your highness, she is a very shy girl at times".
" well, I can say..." The express said still looking at her son, staring intensively at kaita. And this make Anna look straight to the direction at which she was staring at.
"I'm correct with what I thought it should be. Your majesty , my son". She called out Ravein making to look away from kaita.the express had never seen her son looking so vulnerable in the sight of kaita.
"Please grace us with your present, will you?"
He said walking downstairs as is black raven long hair was flying from two sides of is head . she looked at his mother with is blue eyes. Anna and kaita bowed as Ravein as them to raise.
"Son will call the head of maid to direct them to the quatres?"
" yes, your highness" he bowed.
"I'm sorry, I will like to meet the empore. "
"Bye your highness." They bowed. All along Ravein had been staring at Kaita. Ravein walked up to Kaita. Kaita saw him and bow her head. Ravein could see some of kaita orange hair and a tiny purple crystal on her forehead which you can't see until you move closer to her . Kaita, noticing the closeness she stepped back.
"What your name?"
Kai ta still bow her head.
"Lily, your majesty." Ravein. Sink her tiny voice in his head. He took is eyes away from her and directed them to their quarters. Ravein looked at Kaita as he walk away. He want to hear her voice and look at her eyes once again. Kaita seems not to brother, she kept bowing her head whenever Ravein passedby.
It had been two weeks now, and Ravein had been trying to get her attention. In order  to get her attention , Ravein made her to stop washing the express 's cloth since Anna is doing that. Kaita was now washing Ravein's cloth instead. Ravein would at times give a maiden his clothes  to give her to wash; thinking that if it is all dried up ,Kai ta  would bring it back by herself but all that assumption was totally wrong.
         Kaita received a message from the maid that the prince called for her. She told her that the prince was in the royal garden. stood up and walked to the garden , through the direction of the palace guard. She entered the garden and saw the prince holding a white rabbit.
"Your majesty, you called for me."she said bowing. Ravein looked at Kaita and smiled.he dropped the rabbit walked to her.
She did but she did looked at him. Ravein felt hurt by this.
" look at me in the eyes".
"Its again the rule of a maid, your...."
Immediately she felt a strong hand raising her chin, making her to look at him in the eyes.
"Don't you get it when I say that you should look at me in the eyes?"
"But , your ma....."
"Don't say anything if not I will be forced to do what I don't intent to." He said with a bit of rage. Ravein soften is eyes and touched her orange hair. Kaita weird and couldn't not keep her work waiting for long.
"Your majesty, I want to....."
" have you eaten?"
"I'm not done washing your clothes, your majesty".
"Join for break fast."
"No, I can't I still have to do......"
Ravein expression change , making Kai ta walked back also making her hit her back on a cave which seems dark a little. Ravein placed a hand at the back of her head and one at the wall beside her. His blue eyes was shinning in the dark. He breath close to her cheeks making kaita uncomfortable. He was so taller then her, he left is hair on packed making it covering his waist.
"Don't dare reject my offer."
"What do you want from me?"
' I want you' he thought.
" I want you to have breakfast with me." He said letting her go. He know that if he keep her prisoned in is hand for long she would start crying. He guess she is nine year old, how he wise she grows faster in order to make her is forever.
     Kaita could not say anything , she followed him but tired to turn back and leave the garden.
"One more step and you will regret it." He said. Ravein looked at her, with a smile. He found her amusing and daring. Kai ta hated people daring her , she took that step. Trying to leave the garden. Ravein walked quickly to her, grabbing her by the hand.
" you're so annoying". He said and blend is head to kiss her but instead he bit her neck.
"Next time don't dare me or avoid, come. Come and join me for breakfast."
He said holding her hand and bringing her to the dinning table.
" eat, I can't finish it".
Kaita still hold her neck, feeling the mark it created. She looked at him in anger ‘vampire’  she throught
He served her bread and egg sauce with coffee and also stew rice.
" eat."
Kaita looked at him and ate slowly. Ravein looked and smiled . Kaita had finished the stew rice and now she was taking the coffee and bread. Ravein help kaita take off the bread which struck on her lips away. Kai ta looked at him and forcus on the egg sauce.
"_by the way, your duty had be shifted to a maid. You will be in charge of my bath and dressing."
Kaita pause for a while and looked at him .
'What are you up to, vampy. Is it to stuck my blood?'she thought.
She frown for a second and smiled.
"The queen want me to join my mother in her duty ." she said feeling accomplished.
"Then I will discuss about your shift to her. You will be serving me instead."
"Please your majesty, what do you want from me?"
He folded is arms and smiled at her.
"I want you to be where my eyes can reach ."
"My mom is alive and well. Her eagle eyes is enough for me."
'She so stubborn and naive' he throught. Kaita could hear that. She didnt want to react for him to know that she had special powers, she kept quiet and look indifferent.
"You re starting your job as from tomorrow." He said and stood up from the table and left the garden. He cross is hands at is back and left . Kaita watched him leave, she did not know what to do. Working as is maid might expose her powers to him. Her powers might react to anything lron or plastic if her hands touches it.
              Kaita left the garden and went to Anna's workroom.

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