Accept Your Flaws And

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⚠️ Her Two Brothers Are Dicks And She Talks About Her Past. You've been warned🤣⚠️

After we eat our baked ziti and salad. Eventually our cheesecake comes walking out in the hands of the servers. When I see the cheesecake, my eyes got the size of Pluto!



"Alright, 21 questions." Gianni says with a mouth full of cheesecake.

"Ew! Gianni! Close your mouth!" Vincent yells out.

Of course, he would be all squirm ish over that.

He's right though it's gross!

"Do we ask you all questions? Or just you all ask us the questions or both?" I ask nervously.

"Well, we can start with just asking questions to you all; than when you feel comfortable you can ask us some. If you like." Dad finally speaks up.

Luke, Alex, and I look at each other and nod our heads.

"Okay, who wants to ask first?" Luke asks.

"What is your favorite color?" Gianni asks.

"Seriously?! That is your brilliant question?" Lucian snaps.

"What? I'm starting with the basics. Therefore, don't like it than go eat King Kong's dick and while you are eating it. Choke on it" Gianni says with a shrug of his shoulders. I watched as Lucian's face morphed into complete disgust. Like he could actually taste Gianni's words.

"Purple!" I answer.

"Black." Luke answers.

"Blue." Alex follows suit.

"Favorite hobby.?" Leonardo asks.

"Try not to get beat." I mumble. This causes Luke to elbow my side. I look over and he's giving me a stern pointed look. Which I understand very well and it causes me to change my small tune.

"Drawing. Music. Dance." I answer louder.

"Racing." Luke says.

"Fighting." Alex answers.

"The boys will fit right in with us. While Gem will fit in with the Vincent, Leonardo, and surprisingly Lucian." Nikolai says. My eyes nearly pop out of my skull at Nikolai's statement. Lucian and I have something in common? Like what? Let's see which one of us can survive the day longer?

"Favorite movie?" Matteo asks.

"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!" Luke yells out.

"Transformers." Alex says while laughing at how excited Luke got.

"Uh? I don't know. Lion King? Perhaps. I never could watch T.V." I mumbled out. I never had the privilege to watch television. Hell, I never had any electronics until Ren snuck his phone in my bag. All the basic questions go right out the side door and into the unknown world after the last question.

"What did you do to get beat?" Lucian finally asks.

There it is. The question on a very sensitive subject.

Fucking prick.

That fucking wanker. Let me poke his eyes out!

"What was your life like with them? Beatings and all." Julian asks right after Lucian.

Fucking wanker.

I swear I'm going to hang him by Lucian's balls in the willow tree.

Why the hell!?

Vanished Into Thin Air (Rossi Series Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now