Or Hide Them.

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⚠️ Contains Violence ⚠️

As I run towards where my brothers are pinned at; I am also taking down any person in my way. My only thought is please have listened to Matteo for once and get in the damn passageway. As soon as I make my way near the doorway. I knew they didn't listen to our older brother when all I can see are bullets flying by and hitting the hallway wall.

"Quit shooting damn it." I whisper.

Not even seconds later, their firing has ceased. I use my stealth to my advantage and make it under the doorway. Quietly, I pull my shurikens out. I start to sling them into the air and watch as each Frenchman hit the ground. I hear a fuck ton of commotion coming from the other end of the hall. When I glance out the door, I can see our enemies barreling down the hall. I run back inside Teo's office. Out of habit, my reaction is to close the fucking door. My hand hits nothing but air which causes me to glance back as to why I have hit no solid object called a door. The door that isn't in its place anymore.


There goes somewhat of protection. Or obstacle that would slow them down some.

Gianni is barely in the passageway. While one of the triplets behind the sideway desk. I look around and see the second triplet behind a slightly moved shelf. I quickly flip the couch for more protection. I crouch down behind the couch. Leonardo is crouch down with his gun raised while Vincent is peeking from the right side of the desk with his gun sticking out. Gianni is hidden and from the darken of the passageway can't be seen. But I know he also has his gun pointed to the door.

"Three of them at the door." Vincent whispers.

I take out my remaining shurikens and I fling all ten of them over the couch. If I hit one than I'll be doing good. If not than their attention will be on me and my three brothers will be safe.....

For now....

Or so I thought.

By the sounds of it.

My shurikens didn't hit a single target.

Also, these two didn't get what I was meaning when I kept pointing to the damn bookshelf earlier. Teo is going to kill all four of us and it's going to be all their faults. These two can't even understand pointing for the love of God! Instead, all three start to shoot towards the doorway. Shaking my head, I pull my gun out and before I could shoot. There are shots blasting in the hallway.

More than one shooter.

The blasting of several guns suddenly quit.

"I swear to god if I walk in this office and one of you shoot me. I will hang you all by your ballsacks!" Julian snaps.

"If it's you are who's walking in here than I won't." Gianni says.

Yeah right! Gianni would shoot Julian in the ass for the hell of it. That is honestly Gianni for you. He loves to piss Julian off.

"I wouldn't worry about getting hit by them." Gemma says.

This causes me to snicker. The boys had some horrible aiming but who am I to judge? I didn't hit a single one with any of my shurikens. In my defense though; I wasn't even looking. I just threw them over the couch.

"They couldn't hit a damn tyrannosaur if it was standing a foot in front of them." Lucian laughs out.

I peek over the couch to see a piece of the door waving in the entrance. What the fuck are they doing? Surrendering to their own people? I crouch back down and chuckle lowly.

Vanished Into Thin Air (Rossi Series Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now