And I Am So

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All of us couldn't contain our laughter. Once Maximus snorts, Lucian chokes on his laughter that he has been trying suppressing, and Julian makes his smacking farting like noises against his lips; the restraints on our containments are busted wide open.

"It's not fucking hilarious guys! She broke my nose." Gianni whines in a nasally yet muffle sounding voice.

His voice has us laughing even harder.

Maybe it was his comment.

Or both?

Dad's limousine pulls up in front of our hysterically laughing group. We all start to pile in the limousine; when we all hear a loud thud and Maximus's voice sounding like he is in agony.

"What the hell Gianni!?!"

"Shouldn't have said I looked like Channing Tatum in Shes The Man." Gianni retorts while shrugging his shoulders.

We all look up towards Gianni and a now disappearing Maximus. On closer inspection I see Maximus's feet sticking up in the air by the car door entrance. I move off my seat to get a closer look. Maximum is sprawled out on his back. His arms are behind his head like he's stargazing while his feet are sticking straight up towards the sky.

"Gemma back in your seat. Boys, quit the nonsense and get inside the limousine already." Dad says with seriousness in his voice.

Well, excuse the fuck out of me.

Three kids down.

Nine more to go.

I reluctantly plop my rear back into my seat before dad could go caveman on me for not following instructions.

"But dad! He started it!" Maximus sulks.

"Fucker, I'll finish it too when I have you making googley eyes at my boot. Then, we'll see who looks more like Channing Tatum." Gianni growls out.

"They'll be twins with tampons up their noses." Nikolai burst into laughter.

You can hear a hard slap and Nikolai's grunt.

"You have got to be shitting me right now!" Nikolai mumbles out.

One look from dad has Nikolai back pedaling with a sheepish grin on his face.

Four kids down.

Eight more to go.

Dad is on a roll.

We only have an hour and half ride to the house up our current location. So, that gives those eight that much time to get on dad's bad side. Which I know will happen sooner than later. In a matter of minutes dad is ready to strangle us all. All twelve of his kids. Every last one of us.

"Move you foot out of my rib."

"Move your rib off my foot."

"If you two don't quit pushing me against the window."

"Forget the window! Maximus has his ass in my face while trying to wrangle Gianni's neck!"

"Will you two quit before one of us surrounding you two idiots gets hit in the process?"

All hell broke loose after Renzo's comment. Gianni threw his whole weight into his punch. Maximus, however, knew what was coming because he takes a ninety degree angle dive to the limousine's floor. Gianni's brakes in his fist apparently needs to be changed because they didn't work properly. We all witness his fist connecting with the side of Valley's jaw. Valley's head tilts to the side and hits the window. Valley closes his laptop and hands it to Renzo.

Vanished Into Thin Air (Rossi Series Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now