The Best With

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"Will you shut the hell up!" We both grumble.

"I told you they should have been twins!"

"Gianni! Shut up before I unleash Gems to bust your nose like Maximus!" I grumble out in annoyance.

"No way in hel....... Heck am I getting a tampon shoved up my nose." Gianni squeals out.

A cup that had....

Just a second ago had water in it comes wizzing in the air.

"Ouch! What the hell Gemma?!" Gianni whines.

"Gross! That better have been water and not piss that landed in my eyeballs." Alonzo yells.

"Damn. I went for one jackass and managed to catch two." Gems grunts out.

"Language!" Matteo says sternly.

"Jackasses means donkeys. I technically didn't cuss." Gems sasses back.

"Keep it up and my hand will officially meet your ass." Renzo warns Gems.

Renzo hasn't ever given Gemma a spanking. Not yet at least. And I can tell he doesn't ever want to. So, he's trying to correct her attitude by just scaring her....


He does this often with all of his siblings. Including me. When Renzo has had enough of our mouths and attitudes. Or when he thinks we have gone too far; he'll go from our goofy protective older brother to a stern nonnegotiable parent figure. Even Matteo has gotten his ass busted by Renzo. That day was the day I nearly pissed my pants laughing so hard.

"Sorry." Gemma mumbles out.

Before anyone could say a word my door burst open and a nurse comes trotting in. We've never seen this nurse before. She's at least 5'7 with blonde hair. Her hair is shoved into a messy bun. Her scrubs were black like our section's colors. But we never hired her. Dad does the hiring for this hospital. She doesn't look like she belongs at this hospital. Dad picks the best of the best. She looks like she just out of jail. There's no way in hell she works here. Her actions and appearance has us all questioning her every move. It is enough to alert Valentino, who has already blocking her way towards my bed.

"Who are you?" Dad questions.

His question doesn't falter her steps as she still is trying to walk around Val.

Girl. Good luck on that. He's a whole building.

"I'm his nurse for the day. Now can you move out of my way?" She replies.

She evades dad's question and doesn't give us her name. Normally, they'll tell us their names when we ask. Or they'll introduce themselves to their patients. Not this one. She just comes storming into the room and starts to walk towards my damn bed.

Has she gone mad?

That's a good way to get hurt.

"Name?" Renzo snaps at her.

"I'm his nurse! You don't need to know my name or my daily life. I'm here to give this patient his morning dosage." She snaps back.

Her words and action as us now on edge. Our gut feelings are on point when she first came in. She doesn't belong here.

Not one bit.

I watch as Gi takes his phone out and I knew what he is up to. Seconds later he tucks his phone back into his sweatpants' pocket and before you could blink Val, Vin, and Lee's phones go off.

Vanished Into Thin Air (Rossi Series Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now