You Wear Out And

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Vincent and I only blacked out from our sister's pain for maybe an hour; surprisingly it was the shortest time we were ever knocked out. Matteo had us go to bed and rest once we woke back up.

It's been six days since that incident, and no one has seen Gemma or the two boys she is always with. We all are at lunch, picking at our gross looking mash potatoes. It looks like porridge more than mash potatoes, like who can serious stomach this shit? We are all silent, probably all thinking about the same damn thing. All of us are brought out of our thoughts when someone voices what I know we all wanted to ask.

"Has anyone seen her yet?" Alonzo asks.

Vincent, who is stabbing at his green beans that taste like a rubber shoe, shakes his head no without even glancing from those damn things. Alonzo looks at me and all I could do is shake my head no. You can see the worry etched on Alonzo's face. Glancing around our table you can see it on everyone's face, including Lucian's. Which is surprising because he's the best at masking his true emotions. You see what he wants you to see. He's been like that since Gemma was taken. He no longer shows emotions willingly or talks about how he's feeling. He just bottles everything up and when he has had enough, he explodes. He repeats the cycle all over again. I look back down at my non editable food.

How can anyone eat this shit?

Your guess is as good as mine.

"Has anyone tried to hack our school's system to see where she lives? Or find a contact for her?" Maximus finally speaks. That's when a light bulb goes off in my head and immediately, I shoot my head up, my porridge mash potatoes doesn't seem so interesting anymore. Vincent snaps his head up the same as I did. His rubbery green beans must have finally got boring to him as well.

"That's it!" We both say with excitement laced in our voices.

"What?" Maximus asks.

"Finally found a way to shoot laser out of your eyes and burn your tray?" Lucian grumbles out.

"No! Vincent and I could get into the computers in the office, Alonzo can search through the filing cabinets; if someone could get the secretary and the dean distracted long enough." I reply. Vincent and Alonzo both nod their heads with a sly smirk. I can see the wheels turning in their small brains. Both brothers look up at me and all three of us turn our heads toward our now unwilling victims.

"You want us to do what?" Lucian all but screams.

"It's simple they want us to..." Maximus starts to explain like an air headed idiot he is.

"I know what they said idiot!" Lucian growls out.

"Come on guys it'll be simple." Vincent tries to reason with Lucian.

"I swear if I get my brain knocked out my head from Renzo or dad because of this plan. I will murder all of you in your sleep." Lucian snaps.

"You have to have a brain in order to knock it out your thick skull." Gianni fires back.

Lucian shots Gianni a glare that would make any other person have a heart attack. Gianni who is used to his icy glare just flips Lucian off. I send a text message to my guard, who is outside of school. You're probably wondering why we have guards. Because our family is powerful and wealthy which causes targets in our backs from enemies. Anyways, I text my guard and ask him to go to the store and grab a few things for us. If he wouldn't then he could follow Alonzo and I to the store instead. Surprisingly, he didn't ask questions over the items and store I had mentioned and said sure. Well, more like if I go down so do you Little Rossi. I just rolled my eyes at his empty threats. We all are used to our guards and pretty much everyone's threats. Since they do this so much. They however, can't do anything to us unless they want dear ole father after them. All six of us are in the boy's restroom waiting for him to show up with our items. When he sent a message back saying he is walking through the doors of school and will be there in a minute, Alonzo and I meet him at the bathroom door. He gives us a pointed look that asks 'what are you six up to? ' We shoot back one to says, 'don't even ask.' He hands us the bags and walks off when we wouldn't explain anything else to him. Alonzo tosses Maximus his items he would need, while I hand Gianni his. When Vincent gives Lucian his things, Lucian looks up and has a snarl.

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