But I Am Doing

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Thirty-one days. It's been thirty-one fucking days. He's been improving while in his coma. His hand will move on its' own. He likes to squeeze my hand every now and then. I just wish his eyes would pop open.

I miss his topaz eyes. The color of the summer sky with flecks of leaves blowing in the wind. His eyes remind me of the Earth. Where it's mainly blue but green as well. He has earthly eyes to me.

Our brothers and dad have come in to see him. Along with Kane. I have yet left Lucian's side and I don't plan on it. Unless he tells me to leave.


But, I don't see that happening any time soon.

My ass stays planted in this chair during the day and the other side of his bed at night.

They have removed his breathing tube because he is finally actually breathing on his own. So, no tube down Lucian's throat. Well not anymore at least. They removed it on day twenty-nine. So two days ago. I think.

"Superman is better!" Gianni yells.

"Fuck Superman! Batman is the shit!" Alonzo yells back.

"Thor. Thor is the shit." Maximus calls out.

"No way. Spider-Man is." Nikolai calls out from his seat.

"What? No way. Robin is." Julian says.

"So you're Alonzo's Little Bitch?" Renzo questions.

This comment makes Julian lift his middle finger up above his head. Causing the whole room to chuckle.

"Mr. Freeze." Valentino responds.

"The fly fuck? No! Captain America." Matteo retorts.

"Wonder twins!" Leonardo and Vincent all but scream.

"Aqua-Man is the shit." Renzo finally comments.

"Venom." Kane replies.

"Harley Quinn. Beat that bitches. She is nutty as all can get out." I finally voice my option on the matter.

"No way!" They all scream out.

"Jjjjooookker." A raspy voice spoke.

"What?! No way." Gianni says.

"Well, someone has taken Lucian's place and is twinning with Gemma now." Alonzo comments.

"Who ever said it has a death wish once Lucian wakes up." Gianni laughs out.

"Joker. He beats all you fuckers." The voice sounds weak.

"Language" Matteo and Renzo responds.

To me it is hypocritical because we all just said a cuss word and here they decide to say language?! It takes all of a minute after they said that to realize it isn't any of us. We all snap our heads up toward the bed.

Earthy eyes are staring back at all of us.




We all whisper in complete and utter shock.

"Matty!?!?" I call out.

Not even caring if he is looking at Lucian or not. Get the fuck over there and examine our brother. Idiot! I sprint out of my seat and run to get him some water.

"Lucian! Oh shit you're awake. Holy shit." Matteo rambles on.

"Language." Lucian lowly chuckles out.

I gently place his water at his lips. He slowly but surely drinks it.

Vanished Into Thin Air (Rossi Series Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now