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Just 8 more months and I will be able to leave.

Just 8 more months.

Aisha repeats those mantras in her mind as she gets herself ready for school. The mantra she's been repeating since she moved to this small town, a month ago.

The same mantras she's been repeating to forget about why she had to move here in the first place.


"COMING MA," Aisha yells back, getting her backpack and making her way downstairs. She kisses her mother on the cheek and seats down to eat her breakfast.

She looks at the always empty seat on the table and sighs. As always, her father already left.

"He had an important thing to do at work." Her mother says smiling down at her daughter.

Aisha just nods, used to not seeing her dad anyways. She finishes her breakfast and gets her car keys, ready to make her way out.

"I have practice today so I have to leave early," Aisha told her mother. Her mother nods and sends her daughter off.

On the drive to the studio, Aisha mentally study for the calculus test she had today. She arrives at the studio and quickly gets out.

"Alright ladies, let's take it from the top, Aisha you're late," Aisha's coach yells at the girl when she makes her way inside the studio.

"Sorry coach, I had some trouble in the dressing room." She says pulling on the tight uniform that they gave her.

"We'll make sure to get it altered," Her coach dismiss. "Because of your teammate all of you guys will stay in for an extra hour. We need to be perfect for the performance in December."

The girls groan and glare at Aisha before starting their practices. Aisha mentally scowls herself, she's going to miss her first period.

"Why didn't you come to first period today?" Aisha's friend, Blake, asks as they sit down for lunch.

"Late practice, where's Tessa?" Aisha asks biting into her pizza. Her coach always tells her to go on a diet but she'll be damned if she listened to that white bitch.

"In-school suspension for being late too much." Blake answers. His eyes not leaving her friend's lips.

Ever since Aisha moved to this town Blake had his eyes on her but he said nothing. She seemed to be a closed-off person, someone not interested in relationships. Her hugs are very nice though.

"Damn, tell me about the new person. Are they hot?" Aisha asks popping a fry in her mouth and focusing on finishing the assignment she has for the last period.

"She's a pretty brunette. She gives me the girl next door mixed with nerdy vibes. You guys would get along." Blake says truthfully, remembering the shy girl that came to his class this morning. He hasn't seen any signs of her after that.

"Mhm," Aisha mutters and goes back to her work.

"Prof gave her your seat btw," Blake says before the bell rings, leaving a stun Aisha in the cafeteria alone.

"Now where the hell am I going to sit?" Aisha mumbles to herself quickly packing her stuff and making her way out of the cafeteria.

"Alright finish up your stretches and you're free to leave for today." Coach tells Aisha's group.

While doing her final stretches, Aisha's friend Rosalie sits next to her.

"Babe, we haven't talked in forever how are you?" She asks smiling at the dark-skin girl who was focused on her stretches.

Rosalie was a beautiful Afro-Latina, one of the few black girls in the glass and one of the fewer people Aisha allowed herself to get close with. It wasn't on purpose, she just has a likable personality.

"I'm doing peachy, just busy with these damn AP classes, calculus is kicking my ass," Aisha complains.

"Just wait until college, the majority of courses are way easier than AP classes." Rosalie consols her friend. "Doesn't mean you won't hate it less though."

"Ugh, why can't I just be a housewife," Aisha complains to her friend, flopping down dramatically once she finished her last stretch.

"Because your mom would kill you." The two girls laugh at Rosalie's response.

She was right, Aisha's mom is a housewife and she already told Aisha that she needs to get her education first before ever going down that path.

Aisha never fully understood her mother's hatred of that. It's not like she was going to marry someone like her father anyways.

"Shit, I'm going to be late," Aisha curses, saying a quick bye to Rosalie and making her way to her car. "I don't even have time to fucking change."

The only thing she could change was out of her ballet shoes and into some flats before she drove off to school. She can't afford another tardy or that will be a call to her mother.

Speeding carefully through the streets and running down the hallway, Aisha was able to arrive seconds before the late bell rang.

"I see you were able to join us today Aisha," Her professor says amusingly. "Please sit in the chair in the back-row, the new student will be sitting up from so Blake could help her catch up."

Aisha glares at Blake who sent her a sheepish smile. The new girl that everyone seemed to be talking about isn't even here today.

Aisha ignores the whispers of the students and makes her way to the back. She flops down and turns toward her seat partner, he was covered in all black, and the only skin showing was his face.

He was pale and strikingly handsome. Piercing brown eyes and jet black hair. Aisha has always seen him sitting in the back but never up close, he was always the first person in the class.

Teachers never call to him and none ever sit or talk to him. Aisha remembers Blake saying that he was a germaphobe, but a germaphobe wouldn't act the way he does. She never see him clean up his surroundings before he touch something, and although he had a neat desk he wasn't very anal about it being perfect.

"Hi, I'm Aisha." She says smiling at him, hoping to get an introduction back.


He looks out her for a bit before he moves further left, avoiding touching Aisha. Aisha looks back to her professor, ignoring the embarrassment she feels and the chuckles from her classmates who witnessed the interaction.

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