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It's been 1 week, 1 day, and 19hrs since the lovers said goodbye to each-other. Not that any of them were counting.

Aisha and Azrail tried their best to keep in contact but with the time difference and Aisha's father packing their schedules for the day, it wasn't the ideal situation.

Aisha will send Azrail pictures that he will wake up to, and in turn Azrail sent her compliments and sweet paragraphs that she will see as she prepares to end her day. It was sweet.

It was now finally time to see eachother again, and Aisha could not sit still in the car, her legs was bouncing with anticipation and her father noticed. He smiled at his daughter and shakes his head, remembering how antsy he would get when he was also far away from his wife. Even if he doesn't show it, he still gets a bit on edge when he's away from her.

"Make sure you get home soon," Aisha's father says pulling up in front of Azrail's house. Aisha looks at him in shock, she originally thought about going to Azrail's house after unpacking at hers. "You can barely sit still, go on before I change my mind."

"Ah thanks daddy," Aisha squeals giving her father a hug before rushing out of the car, carefully. She hurries and ring the doorbell impatiently.

Azrail was taking a nap when he heard the annoying sound of his doorbell. Originally he wasn't going to answer but he knew that if he missed an important packet for his mother again, she will kill him. The minute Azrail opens the door he gets knocked to the ground by an excited teenager that was practically bouncing off the walls to see him. 

"What the hel-" Azrail was cut off by a kiss. Stun by the sudden tackle he doesn't kiss back, still confused with what just happened. 

Aisha pulls back, huffing out in frustration. "So you aren't happy to see me?" 

Azrail nods quickly, giving himself whiplash. "I am angel, you just surprised me." He grows out, Aisha lets out a giggle getting off on him and helping him up. 

"Sorry, I guess I don't know my strength." She says a bit embarrassed, her cheeks getting hot. 

Azrail pulls her into a deep and proper kiss. They finally pull back catching their breath. "I missed you," They both say at the same time, letting out a small laugh. 

"I thought you weren't coming back until the end of the week?" 

"Dad had something to do with work and we came three days early, I didn't tell anyone because I wanted to surprise you and also spend time with you before everyone else starts to text and plan stuff." Aisha admits, she love her friends but she wasn't in the mood to start with prom dress shopping and other end of the school things Tessa and Rosalie was going to drag her to the moment they knew she was back. 

Aisha admitted the truth to Tessa about Blake and Antoine on christmas when she was trying to get them to hangout and she cut him off completely, and Aisha is very thankful for that. Because of that, Tessa and Rosalie also became really close and unfortunately they started ganging up against Aisha and dragging her to do everything she didn't want to do. Both of them telling her, "It's your senior year, enjoy it." 

"I feel honored." 

"You should, you're getting special treatment mister."

"Thank you ma'am, lets go up to my room so you can tell me everything." 

Aisha nods and follow Azrail up, excite to show him pictures and telling him about countless adventures she went to in Congo. The couple laid on the floor covered with a blanket, Aisha showing pictures while Azrail enjoy the sound of her voice, happy his girlfriend is back in his arms. 

"Did I ever tell you one of the main reasons why my father take me to these trips?" Aisha asks Azrail, he shakes his head. 

"Besides the fun of it, he says that being African American we sometimes feel out of place, not really knowing our history like some," Aisha explains. "He wants me to learn about different Black cultures and know how extraordinary our people are, and how we thrive no matter where we live, no matter the situation." 

"That's beautiful."

"Can I ask a personal question?" 

Azrail takes a deep breath and nods, already knowing what type of question Aisha had for him. "Do you feel disconnected with your Japanese culture?" 

"Yes and no," Azrail answers. "In the beginning with my other adoptive parents, I was pretty whitewashed, they did not want to me to know about my culture at all, but once mom adopted me, she made sure I learned about the food, history and even started taking Japanese courses with me. I'm not the best at it as I would like to be, but I still appreciate mom for making sure I don't forget my past." 

"Have you ever been to Japan?" Azrail lets a sigh of relief when Aisha didn't bring up his other adoptive parents. 

"No, not yet but I do want to in the future," Azrail admits. "I just want to better my japanese more before going." 

"Have you ever thought about looking for your birth family?" 

Azrail has, he conducted his own investigative research and contacted the adoption agency he was put in once he was old enough and he found nothing. 

"My biological mother died upon giving birth to me, my records say that there was no other family members, my biological father died weeks before she found out she was pregnant." Azrail tells Aisha. 

Aisha stays quiet, listening to Azrail story. Both knew that this moment is when Azrail will finally open up about his past. 

"I was in an orphanage until I was six years old before this rich couple came and adopted me," Azrail continues his story. "The first few months it was blissful, but the minute all of the adoption process was over they turned into the true monsters they were." 

"The husband abused me, emotionally and physically, the wife just emotionally. The scars in my body made by him and I was referred to as the adopted helped. On the night of my 11th birthday, the husband was extremely mad and beat me senseless." 

"He beat me so much that I lost consciousness, praying that someone comes and save me from that hell hole. The next day, I woke up on the same spot he had left me, and he hit me. This time it was different." 

"When he hit me, I tried to block the punch but he started screaming in pain and fell back. Me and his wife were so confused, he died and she chased me out. I ran and ran and ran, and was on the streets for a few days before mom found me." 

"Mom and her husband was taking a nice walk that night when they saw me. Burglars killed her husband and I killed those burglars, ever since then we had an unspoken bond.  With my trauma and her trauma, I was homeschooled while also going to therapy with mom."

"It helped  lot, we grew closer together and after three years mom decided to finally move to one of the houses her husband had in his name, this house, and I had enough smarts and credits to start high school." 

By the end of Azrail's story, Aisha was in tears and hugging Azrail. "You didn't deserve that, I'm sorry." 

Azrail smile at her, enjoying her comfortable hug. "Thank you angel." 

"You have an amazing mother, not a lot are open to go to therapy and do what she did for you." Aisha praises. 

Azrail nods in agreement, his mother was the first best thing that happened to him second being Aisha. Both woman have shown him what it feels like to be cherished and love, and he wouldn't change that for anything in the world. 

"I love you angel,"

"I love you more turtle." 


Fun Fact besides my lead characters, I started using my tinder matches to come up with male character names when I'm too lazy to think. I don't use their looks or personality, just their names.

I matched with an Antoine three weeks ago, we never talked but the name stuck. 

Touch MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora