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A/N: Imagine the conversations are in fluent japanese, I can't write/speak it so it's in english. But like, if this were a movie/anime the characters would be speaking Japanese and the subtitles would be on. It's important to the plot, so use your imagination lovelies....anything bolded is in english. 


Today is a calm day, I haven't spoken to Aisha yet because my phone was still broke and mom says I have to get a new one myself. I'll eventually get around to it, I just haven't had the time. 

I stare at the drawing of Aisha, my angel. My beautiful angel. The portrait was coming out exactly like her, the misplaced curls, the round face and yet sharp features. I frown, something didn't feel right. 

Something wasn't right. 

"Asahi, breakfast !!" 

I put down my sketchbook and make my way downstairs. "Morning mom," I say giving her a small kiss on the forehead before sitting down to eat. 

"When is Aisha coming?" She asks making small talk. 

"In a few hours, I finally managed to finish the painting of her, can't wait to show her." 

Stop being in denial. 

"That's nice dear," She says giving me a small smile. I nod and continue to eat, ignoring the fact that my mother was just staring at me, unmovingly. 

Wake up. 

"Everything okay mom?" I ask.

"Of course my love," She saws giving me a small smile but still not eating. "You've just grown so much." 

"Mom, I know I'm leaving for college soon but that doesn't mean I will be leaving forever." 

Her eyes tear up, like always. "My only wish was to see you grow up, find love, and live your life, I'm so proud of you Asahi." 

My side starts to hurt again, making me crouch over in pain. Mom does nothing but just stand there looking at me. 

"Mom, help." I cry out, reaching out for her. 

"I thought I had more time, I guess not." She says solemnly before putting her head on my forehead. 

I woke up inside a void, memories of what happened at school flooding back to me. 

Aisha? Where is she? 

"This girl really is the only thing you think of." The voice says.

"Is she okay?" 

"She's fine, you managed to protect her," She coos touching my cheeks, I flinch still not used to her cold hands. "But Azrail, we need to have a serious conversation."

"What? Do you have another gift to give me?" 

"Azrail, your love has been making you careless," 

"What do you mean? I always stay covered and try not to touch anyone." 

"You got hurt Azrail, you were always careful, if I didn't intervene every single officer and first responders would have died trying to save your life." 

"Isn't that what you want anyways? You're the one that cursed me in the first place, you should've just left me for dead." 

"I didn't curse you child I saved you," She says softly. The scenery around us changing. 

"What do you mean saved me?"  I ask, looking around at the new environment. It looked familiar but I couldn't pinpoint where it was exactly. 

"Where is that goddamn brat."

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