ch 33

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Today was my first exam ,it goes well so , i thought to give  you update


Weeks ago ,i had to go usa for some work,leaving behind siya in the italy ,i don't want to leave my angel!!!!

,but situation was not safe for her,the consignment i sent to the american mafias backstabbed me ,they killed my men and didn't  pay for the consignment, i had to remember them Who are they dealing,They had to pay for my loss ,a war broke out between him and me

In between all these chaos   rohit take away the siya, he always came my mansion whenever he came italy ,but  my own cousin brother backstabbed him,he take away my angel, but the hurtfull thing is my angel willingly go with him,,How can she???how can she choose other men over me, i stopped my men to hurt either of them, i stopped my men to catch them;because i want to deal with them personally।।

when the war end and i capture the american mafia head , he tell me it was all rohit plan he and rohit made a plan to kill me,।।

I was fucking mad to trust them,THEY HAVE TO PAY।।he tell me rohit marrying siya,after killing him,i  take my private  jet and reach italy,,what i saw was enough to kill both them,, rohit scared me on siya life,,but my men shoot him and i order them to take him away,,  i married siya forcefully on the gun point, i want to kill her,for running away from my mansion,,but i can, after marrying her ,i take her to my isolated mansion,in the mountains

I order my maids to make siya ready gor tonight ,today i will put in her brain ,who i am to her, I'LL have her either forcefully or willingly, i want to teach her lesson ,what she get after running away from me,she can't leave me ,never ever, siya was crying,i know i can't see her tears but teaching her lesson is necessary, i leave for the dungeon to kill that backstabber,,,i beat him alot ,i don't want to kill him,he want to kill me,but i can't he's the support my aunt ,,I'LL teach him lesson so he never see what mine is,,after beating him ,

i go to my bar and drink to less my pain,,but it was not helping at all after drinking!!!

while i came back mansion in siya room ,she was wearing a maxi dress with straps ,her body is shining , i saw her she was sitting on the window, being on deep thoughts,.her trance broken

when I came inside her room, she become scared to see my form ,, my eyes are red ,clothes are disheveled my  footsteps are not steady ..i just. move toward Siya and she stand to run away from me  .Why the hell she always trying to get .away from me!!! but before siya runaway i captured in her arms in tight grip....

Why ????why you betray me siya??why you runaway with him??why you trust him not me.. ..??tell me dammit...

Her tears are flowing ...she was scared of me and my state i know  that.,,she try to  pushed me with her all strength,,,

siya try to push me away with force  but i was not leaving her,
Leave me.
I said leave me.. she was screaming on me

Leave me, you monster ,I'm not your wife!!!! And never be,, you married me forcefully,I never accept this relation ,never,you force me for this,I never want to marry you,I prefer die then marry you..

I hold siya hairs in tight grip.ASKED you wanna fucking married that bastard Rohan, tell me don't you, are perfectly dolled up for him,tell me more siya ,did you let him touch you ...did you enjoy his touch and hate mine,that's why you run away with him.

A LOUD SLAP ECHO IN THE it was siya who slapped me,she can tolerate my  tortures but never tolerate bad things about her character..i know that

WHAT DO YOU THINK OF HIMSELF HAA!! You kidnapped me from home country,you tortured me,humiliate me,try to snatch away my virtue for me..,marry me forcefully, and now you're raising finger on my character .she was broke in tear.what will I do,haa, ,just quietly accept your all tortures physically and mentally,,,

Your know what I don't trust any men now, first you and second Rohan, he make me believe he will take me india ,to my parents,to my family,, but he lied to me,,You know what he did to me,,,..  she fall on the floor ...I trust him as a friend ..but what he did ....he try to rape me....she broke into tears,I was agree to marry him ,because he threaten me if I not marry me he will abuse me physically....her head was on her knees ,sobbing hard ,her cries fill the room...............

While she was crying, I WAS  feeling different emotions after listening her outburst ,it was the first time ,she speak in this tone,,,,.WITH ME

I know she was pure as baby ,,,but still in aggression I speak what I should not ...

Now damage was done......

I was guilty .HOW I BEHAVE WITH her  while MY MIND WAS blazing in anger....

I was guilty for  MY deeds..but MY heart never allow to leave her.

She can't go anywhere not even to her family..

She is my peace...and i can't let her go..

I GET DOWN ON FLOOR AND PICK UP SOBBING SIYA.. while picking up siya .... her black veil dropped on floor,,,her maxi dress neck was deep and it was backless  ..siya feel cold air on her body ,she was feeling uneasy ,and scared too,,she start hitting me on my shoulder...leave me,why are you doing this ,please leave me,,,please I beg you ,, don't do this ...but i didn't leave ..she thought i was staring her uncover body .but my eyes are on her teary face...i gentle placed her on bed ...siya back away in fear .....I'm warning don't you dare to touch me....i will kill you...stat away...I'm getting little closer..

LIE DOWN SIYA,,(she was staring his face like what)she was scared enough so she didn't move an inch..

I SAID LIE DOWN...  OR I HELP YOU TO LIE DOWN s voice is scaring her so she obey ...

I covered her with duvet ,,patting her head ....

I pick the veil from the floor and placed on bedside table.... 

I closed the lights and left the room.. 


It was midnight when i reach the dungeon ,now some one die today with hands of beast  ..

I was not planning to kill Rohan but he has to die after what he did....

Yes i killed him!!! That fucker needs to die

Not vote nor comment,if this going on i stopped the book writing here!!!**;(

For writing further  i need motivation ,you guys are not voting not commenting ,how do i know my book was appreciate by others ,if I'm not getting comment, votes so i stopped further writing here, and start writing on dreame@ ,,,!!

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I already write the next chapters,because i am busy with exams ,if requirement fullfull,editor of this book aisha,will update the book,,

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