Chapter 45: Day of emotions

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"My mom taught me that is was books before boys, so I started creating them in my book." -Me

Zoe's POV

What was going on here? Those were the first words that run through my mind.

I stood there dumbfounded, trying to process the situation. Had Rafael just referred to himself as Alexander's brother?

"It can't be," Sebastian spoke taking everyone by surprise. Those were the words we were all thinking.

We were all in disbelief, in our own way trying to process the situation.

I looked at Alex and then at Rafael trying to find any resemblance in their features.

Alexander had dark hair with piercing grey eyes, Rafael's hair was more of a golden brown with pale blue eyes, they didn't have much of a resemblance except that they were both tall with sharp jaw lines and a similar skin tone and maybe a few similar facial features. You'd never guess they might be related.

Recalling the painting of Alexander's mother, if this was true, they both got their looks from their fathers.

I took a moment to stare at both Alex and Rafael, it wasn't even out of curiosity anymore.

Of all the things at this moment, I can't believe I was trying to compare who was more handsome.

"You don't have to deny me again, you already did that at birth when you abandoned me," Rafael spoke coldly.

I still couldn't wrap my head around the situation. Did Rafael know this the whole time? Why didn't he ever tell me anything about this? We spent hours together while he listened to all my problems, but he never thought once to tell me that 'Oh, I might be Alexander's half-brother'.

Did he use me this whole time to get close to Alex?

This made me feel even more stupid, I thought this whole time that Alexander was Sebastian's son and now it turns out that he has a half-brother. I would have never seen this coming.

The real question was how did any of this happen?

If I was this confused, I could imagine how Alexander felt. He spent his whole life thinking he was alone and now it turns out he could have a half-brother. I can't even begin to imagine the kind of thoughts that were racing through his mind.

We all needed an explanation for this whole situation.

Sebastian moved closer to Rafael, almost as if he was trying to see if there was any truth to this.

"You have your grandfather's eyes," Sebastian commented. "It really is you." He muttered. Tears whelmed up in his eyes, he was clearly trying to hold them.

Rafael stepped away from Sebastian. Whatever it is that happened to him, I could tell it wasn't easy. This moment was just as hard for him.

"I never abandoned you, we were told you were dead the moment you were born," Sebastian explained.

Alexander looked at them in disbelief, running his hands through his hair.

"Don't lie to me. My grandfather told me exactly who you are. It's your fault he wouldn't even raise me himself. I wasn't a constant reminder to the woman who abandoned me." Rafael yelled infuriated.

Sebastian shook his head vigorously. "What's not what happened, we were told you had died." Sebastian insisted.

"You are lying, you never ever cared about me." Rafael shook his head, blocking Sebastian's words from his mind.

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