Chapter 7: Insemination

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Zoe's POV

*Two weeks later*

I woke up with a huge grin on my face. Today was the day of my insemination.

It has been two weeks since I first walked into Dr Fell's office. She has been extremely helpful and she has also taken me through every step of the way.

I've had to go through a few examinations and everything came back clean. I can have my baby. However, they have emphasized that frozen sperm is not as effective so there is a chance that it might not work. However, I'm determined to be positive.

I had already taken a shower. I was sitting on my kitchen counter eating a bowl of fruits. I was going to start on a healthy note.

I haven't spoken to my mom ever since our argument, but dad has been very supportive.

Reina and Abby would have loved to accompany me but they both had work, their bosses were too uptight.

Once finished eating, I placed my bowl into the sink then rinced it.

My appointment was at ten. It was now nine a.m. I needed to get going.

I took my prepacked bag along with my keys. As I closed my front door, I felt like I was closing a chapter of my life.

My life would be ever changed after this appointment.

I locked my front door and placed the keys into my bag.

I took my time walking to the elevator.

"Morning child," Mrs Thompson greeted me as I walked into the elevator.

"Morning," I replied.

Mrs Thompson was a elderly woman in her mid sixties. She was also the gosip here. People didn't interact much with each other here but Mrs Thompson always found a way to know everything.

When Gerald and I broke up, I ended up hearing about it by the security guards.

"Have you heard about Alison? The one who lives in 31D," she said.

I shook my head no.

I've never been a gossip nor was I interested in being one. I couldn't think of a way to shut her up without hearing about it later.

"The poor thing is staying with her boyfriend now. She does and pays for everything, all the man does is sit around watching TV. She isn't even married to the man." She spoke.

Luckily, the elevator doors opened to my floor before I could engage into her gossip.

"Bye Mrs Thompson," I said waving her away.

Before, I used to reply and engage in her gossip, until I learned how two faces she was.

I was on the ground floor.

I walked to my car.

I placed my bag into my back seat before walking to the front.

I had a smile on through the whole drive, not for a second did I frown. Not even when some guy cut me in traffic.

After a couple minutes I arrived. I parked my car outside the clinic.

I was a bit early with about twenty minutes to spare.

Dr Fell had told me I'd have to wait in the waiting room until they call my name. After that, they'd inseminate me.

I walked in to the clinic greeting a few nurses on the way. I was familiar with most of them and was already on a first name basis with a few of them from my appointments.

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