Chapter 46: Persistence is key

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Zoe's POV

I took a tub of yoghurt from my fridge and returned to my bedroom. I still kept on thinking about Alex, maybe I shouldn't have just left like that. How is he doing now? Was he okay?

I should probably call him, or maybe not. I was indecisive.

I remembered his words. "You can stay here for as long as you want."

Those were the code words for he needed me to stay, and I let him down just like that.

My thoughts were driving me crazy. At this point, I wasn't even sure if he was the one who sent me that text anymore. It made me feel even worse about myself. But he was no angel either.

At this point, all I'm sure about is that it is simply better if I tried to forget him.

I contacted Rafael today, everything that happened yesterday took me by surprise. I still couldn't wrap my head around everything.

Was he ever really my friend from the start? Was he just using me to get closer to Alex?

Either way, I needed answers from him. But he wasn't answering his calls. I stopped trying to contact him after a couple of tries.

I looked out from my balcony to notice that there was a whole team of reporters, all fighting to get through the gate. I'm sure they would have managed to get in if not for the team of bodyguards that were lined up at the gate.

Was this about the scandal with Alex and Cindy? Was he the one who hired the bodyguards? We barely had any security at the main gate, let alone a team of bodyguards.

I tried brushing Alex out of my thoughts trying to think of all the terrible things he has done instead. But every time I ended up thinking about his good side too.

I set my tub of yoghurt aside upon hearing the sound of my doorbell.

Who could it be at this time?

I walked to the door, uninterested in whomever it was. I just wanted to stay in and not see anyone.

I opened the door.

My eyes shot open seeing him in front of me.

'He is here,' The inner child in me yelled excited. Alex is right here, and he is perfectly fine.

I tried to compose myself, putting on a serious expression.

He looked at me, a smile across his face.

Wait, wasn't he supposed to be sad? I know I would be if it had happened to me. He looked so composed, almost as if nothing had happened at all.

Wait, aren't we supposed to be keeping our distance? I told him I needed space. Having him this close all the time wasn't helping with anything.

"I thought I said I needed some space," I spoke crossing my arms trying to maintain a serious expression. I wanted to hug him so badly, but deep down I knew I needed to protect my heart first.

"And I gave it to you, I didn't call you last night." He answered happily. "I thought you meant one or two hours." He continued.

Just like that and I wanted to laugh.

My mouth flew open at the nerves of this guy, I couldn't believe his logic. No one ever says they want space just to take two hours off.

"If I didn't want to talk to you, I would have simply ignored your calls," I answered.

"But then again you know I'd show up," he said.

I thought he would never show up again and that I was probably going to end up regretting my decision for the rest of my life.

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