Chapter 12: New owner

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Zoe's POV

It's been a week since I was discharged from the hospital. I haven't seen or heard from Alex ever since, I'm thankful for that.

Maybe he decided this wasn't worth his time. I must confess, I was surprised he gave up so easily. He seemed pretty determined. Not that I'm complaining.

I've been trying to rest and taking things easy. I've also been avoiding things that makes me stressed or lifting anything heavy.

I've only been at work when I was needed or had something to sign. I don't want to do anything that puts my baby's life at stake.

Today I was treating myself to binge-watching and snacks. I was taking another day off. At this rate I was starting to worry I'd get fat from food and not the baby.

I told Reina and Abby I'd be going to work so they wouldn't come to disturb me.

I had dedicated today for catching up on telenovelas.

I was laying on my couch in front of the TV, scrolling through the list of novellas. I especially loved Mexican and Korean dramas even though I didn't understand the languages.

I finally settled on a Mexican novella about drug lords and a girl who was trying to get through life. I found myself thinking of Alexandra, I guess I could relate to the girl, he both had a man trying to get the upper hand on us.

Usually, I'd gorge myself with popcorn but I've completely changed my diet.

I took a piece of carrot that I had cut into long strips.
I hated carrots, but I had to do this for my baby.

My phone rang on the coffee table next to me.

I hesitated not wanting to be disturbed.
The sound of my phone got louder and more annoying.

I sighed taking it from the coffee table.

Mr Lance's name popped up. He was my land lord. He owned the building of my Cafe.

What did he want?

We barely spoke unless it was about paying rent which I always paid on time.

I answered the phone.

"Mr Lance," I answered.

"Zoe," he said with relief.

"Is there a problem?" I asked.

"There is something important I need to discuss with you," he said instead.

He avoided the question. I hated it when people did that, it usually meant they had bad news.

"Should we meet at the Cafe," he suggested.

"Yes," I answered.

"I'll see you in an hour," he said.

He then hung up the phone. He didn't even ask if I'd be available at that time.

I removed my phone from my ear checking the time. It was 11:18. I put my phone back on the coffee table.

I had already showered and was dressed in my pikachu onesie.  I just needed to dress into something more appropriate.

I waited until the remaining ten minutes of the episode had finished. Traffic wouldn't be as bad at this time, I'd make it on time.

I wore a floral dress with sandles. It was warm and sunny outside so there wasn't any use for a cardigan or anything to put over it

I sighed locking the door to my apartment, my plans to do absolutely nothing flushing down the drain.

The baby swap✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant