Chapter 22: Uncovering the lies

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Zoe's POV

I continued glaring at him as he walked into the room.

"I need to get something," Reina blubbered then walked out of the house swiftly.

It was just Alex and I now.
I didn't know how long I'd be able to contain myself.

Alex frantically ran his hands through his hair as if he was thinking up the words to say.

"I only got your messages this morning," he said stepping closer.

I listened intently, wondering what was the rest of his excuse, surely he was smarter than that.

"I tried to return as soon as I could but, I got really court up with work and business meetings." He said.

He promised to be there but he wasn't, instead he was locking lips with models in hot tubs and now he was just treating me like a idiot.

"I had a lot to do. It was one meeting after the other, I barely had anytime to rest." He continued.

So that was the excuse he was going with? He was going to lie his way out. Apart from those pictures, I knew better.

Even if I hadn't seen the pictures, I had dated a few douche bags like him to know he was lying.

He remained quite, waiting for me to reply.

"Get out," I finally managed to say.

It took him moment to register, he looked confused as if his brain was trying to process everything.

"I'm sorry what?" He finally spoke, confused by my reaction.

"You can't just show up here and act like everything is okay after ignoring me for two weeks!" I yelled.

"I just told you I was busy," he said defensive.

Busy! The word repeated itself in my head.

"Busy?" I yelled at him.

I throw a tabloid at him at which he quickly ducked.

"Partying with half naked women does not count as being busy!" I said as I continued throwing the tabloids at him.

He covered his face as he continued ducking the tabloids I kept throwing.

"I've been through a lot these past two weeks. I was nearly ran over, deprived or my home and privacy, all the while you were partying!" I continued to yell.

I picked up the tabloids and started throwing them at him again.

"You acting crazy right now," he said defensive.

The C word, it was as if my hormones fully kicked in at the mention of that word.

"I'm crazy?" I yelled. "I hope I never see you again and nor will you see this baby. I promise I'll fight with everything I have so you never get to see this baby grow up. I hope you rot because I never want to see you again!" I continued to yell.

I had completely lost my cool, I'm surprised the neighbors haven't called the police yet.
I guess everyone has a breaking point.

"I don't see what I did wrong!" He exclaimed. "All I did was miss one appointment, I'll make it to the next one.

He had the nerves to continue his senseless argument.

"Why don't you just go ahead and miss the rest of my child's life, no one will miss you." I said.

He sighed as he paced up and down.

"Just get out, I don't want to see you." I said throwing my hands in defeat.

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