Chapter 9: Baby for a price

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Zoe's POV

I blinked twice as her words repeated it self in my head.

Everything blurred out around me. The only thing I could see was doctor Fell's lips moving as she tried to explain.

"What?" Alex finally spoke bringing me out of my thoughts.

Earlier today, I was so excited that I was having a baby, now I don't know if I was as excited after finding out my baby's father is a ill-mannered spoiled jerk.

"How did this happen?" I asked.

"Our doctors confused you to Mrs Morgans here, you both have the same first name initials and the same last name." She explained.

If they were married, why didn't she change her last name to his?

"Is that why Zahra isn't pregnant?" Alex asked.

They must have really wanted a baby. But why? Alex didn't seem like the kind of guy who settles.

"It could be, frozen sperms are a little lazy. It isn't as effective," she answered.

No one said a word for a while as the tension in the room thickened.

"I'm so sorry about this, we are going to make sure we fix this mistake." She said trying to reassure us.

Mistake? This was all it was to them. There was a human growing inside of me, it's not just something that could be easily reversed. It's something we'll have to live with.

"How do you plan on fixing this? I'm already pregnant." I snapped.

At least I thought I was, I still needed to do a blood test to confirm my pregnancy.

Alex turned to look at me, for a moment I felt as if his eyes had softened. He quickly turned away avoiding eye contact.

"You have a couple of options," she started. I knew I wasn't going to like what ever she was about to say next.

I had mapped out a perfectly good plan, now everything was messed up.

"We could abort the child," she said anxiously. "That is if the two of you don't want the baby," she corrected herself defensive.

Abort my child? I thought this place was supposed to help create families, not kill them.

"The clinic will give you a new sperm sample, all payments are cancelled. Well refund the full amounts that you've already paid." She continued.

It all sounded 'good' and easy but I'd never be able to live with myself if I had the abortion.

I'd never be able to abort my child just because of who he's father is, especially and even though I wanted this baby so bad. How'd I be able to love another child if I abort this one.

My baby isn't a mistake. My baby probably happened for a reason.

My hand suddenly ran to my belly defensive. I felt like I needed to protect my child.

"I can't go through with that," I spoke. "The abortion," I clarified.

I've heard of people whom after an abortion they can no longer conceive. I'd never want to end up like that.

The room was silent again.

I know I was probably making Dr Fell's job a lot harder.

Alex would probably force me to go through with the abortion. He thought too highly of himself to want to have a baby with me.

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