Chapter 1. / Natasha.

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January 17th 3031
Dear diary,
Today I rescued subject #3456 a female pup from the animal experiment center. They were going to try their newest formula on this innocent anima-

[Auto mated system]: "Please evacuate the building. This is not a drill" 

She packed her diary hurriedly and left the building with the pup.
"Dr. Sinha, do you have a license for this dog?" a guard asked, blocking her way.

She looked at him, "Sorry, but this dog isn't going to die today." She injected the guard with a neutralizing serum.

"System reset. Do not turn off." it said. The other robots took notice of it and started chasing her.

She ran as fast as she could. These human looking objects were the most dangerous thing that could ever happen.

"Call Andrew" she commanded the watch she was wearing.

"Calling Andrew" it replied back. After a few seconds, the line got connected, "Hello? Where are you, Natasha?"

"It didn't go as planned; the building caught fire. It's as if someone was trying to sabotage our plan." She said breathlessly.

"Are you running?" He asked.

"This is not the time to ask stupid questions! I will either live or die so help me!" she yelled over the call.

"Stay calm. I have already tracked your location." he said. "Sending imported automobile." he added.

Natasha ran and hid in a dark alley. "It'll be at your location in 30 seconds." he said.

"Okay. I am disconnecting the call or they will track our locations." She said disconnecting.

"Disable GPS." She said to the smart watch.

"Disabling GPS for all devices." it said.

"Deactivate all devices."

"Deactivating all connected devices. Shutting down."

Taking a deep breath, she looked at the puppy. It looked scared and weak.

"It's okay. Everything is going to be fine." She told it touching its half metal neck.

The car came in the alley. She tried to open the car but the automated voice said, "Request declined. Fingerprint conformation required."

She groaned, "Was Andrew serious?"

Then, she put her palm on the window and her name and face appeared. "Request granted." said the system.

She sighed as the door opened and sat inside.

From the entrance of the alleyway came the guards, "Target found." said one of them.

"Where would you like to go?" asked the voice inside the car.

"The abandoned town." She replied.

"Enable defense mode" She commanded.

"Turning off GPS signals. Enabling defense mode." it said.

The guards started attacking them with the high radiation guns and the sound emitters. But they were of no use. She instructed the car to drive over them.

This is a high defense and attack military car. Only one of its kind. An army of guards were trying to disable and destroy the car's defense technology but it was of no use. After all, she was the one to create it.
From above, came a military aircraft containing at least a dozen task force robots.

"Enable attack mode" She said as she felt a knot form in her stomach.

"Turning off safety signals. Enabling attack mode." it said.

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