Chapter 14. /Natasha.

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Natasha started coming inside but Andrew stopped her.

"It's on high security alert mode, coming in would send off a notification to the cops. Not exactly the best idea at the moment." He said.

Natasha nodded as he turned away and got a box full of files and books in kept inside of it.

"Here." He said, dropping the box in front of her.

She bent down and went through everything briefly. Her hand landed on a dairy- an actual diary with real pages.

She opened the book and went through the pages as a page caught her eye. She flipped back to that page.

"Hey, I think I got something." She said.

"What about?" Andrew asked.

"Dear diary, today we got a tip from the future generation that the dogs and other animals are in grave danger and coming from a family of environmentalists we've decided to breed more dogs- especially golden retrievers because they will be at more risk. The message we've got is 50 years from today and the grateful couple warned about their death, which was coming soon as the person behind the immoral plans has gotten a hint of their plans. I hope they're alright, and if they're reading this or someone they're related to- thank you for everything that you've told us about. Yours, Madison Marks." Natasha read.

She looked at him with questioning eyes, "isn't that your-"

"Grandmother? yes."

"Your mother was born fifteen years later." She said, doing the calculation.

"After fifteen more years, my grandmother died and mom carried her first child."

"Your brother who died in the hospital?"

"That's the thing, he didn't die. He's a cop now who was handling "my case'."

"How did he-"

"My parents decided to become harsh since they didn't want a baby or could afford one considering my grandfather was really, really upset about everything, they left him on the road in the cold to die." Andrew explained.

"What's his name?" Natasha asked.


"Well, on the bright side you're not alone." She said, trying to be optimistic.

"Oh no, he has it out there for me. We can't trust him." He correct her.

"That's... Unfortunate." She said, slightly disappointed.

"Natasha." Andrew said, his face turning serious.


"There's something you should know about your parents- your dad mainly."

Natasha heart started beating faster at hearing dad.

"What is it?" She asked, a knot forming in her stomach.

"He... He did something bad, really bad to your mom." Andrew said.

"What is it?" She asked, getting more anxious.
What was the worst his dad could do to her mom? Be emotionally abusive?

Andrew looked like he was going to say something but stopped. He hesitated before saying, "I think you should ask your mom about it."

"Seriously Andrew, what is it?" She asked, getting annoyed.

"I'm sorry, but it's not my secret to tell." He said.

She rolled her eyes and got up, as Andrew stopped her.

"Wait, there's something else I need to tell you." He said.

"What is it?" She asked, being harsher than she meant to be.

"I don't think your Dr. Cullen ever went to India. I checked the records and.. he's not from Indian. Well he isn't even related to the country in any way."

"That can't be right. He has done a DNA test in front of me and it shows his roots are from India."

"Natasha, he's deeply involved with the organization. I don't know his place yet but-"

"No, that can't be true." She spoke over him, in complete denial.

"I don't think you understand Natasha. You should talk to your mom about it, and then it'll make sense."

"You know something bigger and darker about my dad, don't you? He's a selfish person but he's my father and I love him."

"He's using you, Natasha and it's only for your intelligence." Andrew's eyes burnt through Natasha's Hazel eyes.

"You can't judge him like that! He would never-"

"Steven Cullen killed my parents." Andrew confessed.

"What? No that can't be right."

"That's what your mom's journal said." He spoke, his expression filled with hurt and disappointment.

"Where is the journal?" Natasha asked him.

"Your dad works for the organization. I could be wrong but he's definitely on their side." He said, ignoring her question.

"Where's the journal, Andrew?" Natasha asked, as anger surged through her veins.

"Your mom's coming back to the U.S. to talk to you and tell you the truth." He said, as he took out the tablet and smashed it on the ground.

"No! Why would you do that?!" Natasha yelled at him.

"Now's not the time, Natasha. You should talk to your mother before you lose her too." He said.

Natasha growled in anger and stomped her feet.

"Woah, what's going on here?" Jackson asked.

Natasha looked at him, angrily and stormed off to the basement. Jackson didn't stop her.

She shut the door behind her and went down. All her anger faded after she saw Daisy, who was now conscious and wagging her tail at seeing Natasha.

She smiled at Daisy, "How's the little one doing?" She asked her, cheerfully.

Daisy, who was laying on the table, tried to get up but instantly flinched and fell back.

"You need to rest for somedays and you'll be good enough to play fetch again." Natasha said as Daisy whimpered lovingly.

As Natasha started leaving, Daisy whimpered. She seemed to be scared to be left alone.

Since Natasha felt sorry for her she pulled out a chair and sat there with Daisy as she rested.

She remembered the way her mother would sleep with her when she felt scared and lonely.
Her mother would sing Natasha rock-a-by-baby when she was five. She used to say, some songs never die which was the truth.

Natasha hummed the rhyme and didn't know when she slept herself.

She woke up as Daisy licked her face. Natasha yawned and checked the time. 12:45 noon.

Her eyes widened, why did no one wake her up? What time did she doze of to sleep.

She jumped out of the chair, "I'll be right back, Daisy." She told Daisy and pat on her head.

She climbed the stairs, which seemed to have become much bigger now. Natasha finally opened the door and got out of the basement almost out of breath.

She made her way to the damaged living room, "Andrew, Jackson. Why didn't you guys wake me up?" She said looking up as her heart skipped a beat.

They were sitting on chairs, with Luke beside them and Natasha's mom looking at her with tears in her eyes.


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