Chapter 2. /Natasha.

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She rolled her eyes, "I wasn't scared!"

Andrew grinned, "Suit yourself."

She gave him a glare and pushed the car doors open. "So, am I staying in here?" He asked.

"Oh no, no way you're staying in the car while it's hacked by Amilia. Good thing is, once the car is locked no one can open in except me." She said telling him to get out of the car.

He took the laptop, some weapons and got out. "Well, don't I look like your side kick?" He asked bitterly.

"You really want to get us killed, eh?" She asked taking the weapons from him.

He rolled his eyes and asked, "Where's my hideout?"

Dark Halls was a place no one dared to enter. The place was more petrifying than the name itself.

Amilia was born and raised in the dark halls. Surrounded by the abandoned looking buildings but on the inside was all crime.

Natasha always had a bad choice when it came to lovers and she realised that now.

She never really loved Amilia but was trying to get over her feelings for her childhood friend- Andrew.

The thought of falling for her childhood friend gave her shivers that ran down her spine. She shook the topic away from her mind and focused on getting revenge on Amilia.

That witch, how could she? It's just Natasha and Andrew now. Only they both had their backs and if something happened to one of them the whole mission could be destroyed.

Andrew cleared his throat, "where is the hide out?"

"We don't have a hide out. Change of plans, you're going to go at the top of a building from where you give me the instructions of where the people are attacking me. Keep in mind to stay out of their site. Or anyone for that case."

"Yes boss." He said, mocking her.

"Please." She said, concerned.

Andrew just shrugged at put on an ear plug inside his ear and started walking forwards.

"I want you to be careful, Andrew. Please."

"I wish for the same." He said.

They both walked cautiously through the silent streets of the destroyed part of the city.
The buildings looked abandoned but inside they were built fancy, renovated by the people who used to live there.

Most of them were expert hackers who could hack the government and and destroy the country.

But no one dared to do so because why ruin your peaceful criminal life? Almost everyone living in the Dark Halls scam people and steal their money.
Natasha couldn't blame them. They did it because they did it to make ends meet.

Criminal life is never peaceful, but its the way these people have been living for over two decades and they've gotten used to it.

In this era, if someone has a criminal record, their privileges will be taken away from them even after they are released from prison.
These people seek shelter in the Dark Halls, that's why people living in this area are much smarter and efficient.

Every country has different rules for people who have committed crime or even if they're innocent but have been framed.

Natasha's parents were recently convicted for false allegations and she had to send them back to India where they'd be safe because it was their home county.
Unfortunately for her, she was born in The U.S., and could not leave the country permanently.

They kept walking and searching alleys in hope that they would find Amalia and finish her for good.
Natasha was not a killer, nor had she ever killed anyone before.
She was just going to paralyze Amalia for the rest of her life.

Suddenly, the they heard a gun click behind them and they froze. Andrew looked at Natasha with his eyes widened and she mouthed him to calm down.

"Look who we got here." A familiar voice spoke. He placed the cool gun on Natasha's neck making her realize how hot her body temperature was.

He walked and came in front of her, the gun still aimed at her neck. "Hello, sister." he smirked.

Natasha's eyes widened, it was Luke- her half brother who had come to meet their father when he was only fifteen and she was ten. "Luke, what are you doing here?" she asked, shocked.

"What am I doing here? This is my home!" he yelled, "After our father refused to accept me even though my mom had died and I had no one else."

"Luke, you know I had accepted you after sometime. I always wanted to help you ou-" he spoke over her, "I don't want you pity! And dad had forbid you from meeting me. You just went ahead with it and forgot me!"

"I never forgot you." She said, trying not to shudder in fear.

"I hate you Natasha. I hate your guts. You took away everything from me!"

Natasha scoffed, realizing she was barely breathing. She looked at him with disappointment. "I didn't expect this from you, Luke. I thought we had something." She said, looking from the corner of her eye as Andrew took one of the weapons he had and hit Luke on his head.

He fell unconscious on the ground. "That was not necessary!" Natasha hissed.

He raised his eyebrows.

"I was handling it" she murmured.

"You sure were." Andrew said, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

Before Natasha could say anything, two men covered their faces with their strong hands except their eyes. The last thing she saw was Andrew struggling to free himself, panic in his grey eyes.

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