Chapter 5. / Andrew.

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"That you have feelings for me?" he asked, his heart pounding.

She froze. Natasha chuckled nervously, "No! of course not!"

His heart sank as he quickly fixed his posture, "Oh" was all he could say.

"You're my friend, and would you really believe someone like Amelia?" she said, tying a knot as he flinched.

"No, why would I believe someone like her? I just-"

"It's fine, you had doubts which I cleared up." She spoke before he could finish his sentence.

She smiled sadly and looked away from him. She checked Luke's pulse and relief flooded her features.

"I'll go check up on the puppy." She got up, taking the drip with her and Andrew followed.

As they moved towards the lab, they heard the whimpers and cries of the dog.

Natasha broke into a sprint and hurriedly made her way down to the lab.

The puppy was lying unmoving on the floor, curled into itself, a whimper escaping every now and then.

Andrew checked her temperature, and the thermometer beeped,
indicating that she had a high fever.

"We need to take her to the vet." Andrew said, concern radiating from his voice, as he rushed to Natasha's side to find her examining the pup's metal features.

"She's got an infection" Natasha said.
"Then we need to take out the silver metal."

"No, we can't do that. They've surgically implanted the metal which connects to her heart."

"That leaves her exposed to the risk of heart puncture."

"I'll take her. You should stay here with Luke."


"No, I can handle it." he said firmly,speaking over her.

"Okay." she said as she got up and handed him the pup.

She walked over to the table and grabbed a piece of reusable paper. She wrote something on it and handed the paper to Andrew.

He read the paper and a name and address was written on it- 'Jackson Hunt, Oliver Street, House-106.'

"Jackson is the vet's son. He's in his last year of studying to be a veterinarian. Don't ask for his father- he's not a good man. Meet Jackson in private and tell him the code- '47124'. He'll know its me who sent you." she explained.
Andrew stepped closer, placed his hand on her hair, and gave it a single, gentle stroke.

"Be careful." he said, looking deep into her hazel eyes.

He stepped back, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Okay, I'm gonna go now. Take some rest."

He turned back and rushed out before Natasha could answer. He gently placed the puppy beside him as he sat in his car.

Andrew drove as fast as he could, and he was out of the abandoned city into NYC, where massive crimes took place.

The streets were deserted and only a few mini-cars were seen. The circular rings over the buildings were emitting night light.

It was only a few hours before the
curfew would start.

The curfew always started late on weekends because of the wild rush of party-goers.

It was necessary to give the Earth's atmosphere a rest, and a few hours to heal, even if it was only for a bit.

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