Chapter 13. /Natasha.

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Andrew ran outside, anger and pain surged through Natasha.
How could he leave Jackson and Daisy unattended? She was angry at him but also felt pain and guilt at the same time.

Natasha was taught not to act on her emotions but the blast had changed her. It's as if it took away the numbness and since then, brought her pain.

The day of the blast, her parents had a huge fight with Andrew's parents. Andrew and Natasha had gone for a walk- it was the day after her birthday and Andrew wanted to tell her something.

Natasha kept him from telling her as she feared it would be something that would require feelings- emotions.

If her father found out about it, he would've punished her. Natasha's dad has severe anger issues which is why her mother is fearful of him.

She had kept avoiding Andrew by talking about her college and the pressure she had because of her dad.

Eventually they'd reach the field that separated their homes and Andrew had turned towards Natasha.

He'd told her to listen to him, as he looked deeply into her eyes. Natasha knew it had to do with a confession but she could not understand what type of a confession as she had never experienced anything humane.

But even before Andrew could get the words out of his mouth, his angered father stomped towards him as his mother followed his dad.

Mr. Marks had dragged Andrew back to the Marks house as Mrs. Marks shot an apologetic look at Natasha.

Natasha was left alone in the field as her mother had called her in to have dinner.

She had gone inside and saw her dad's face boiling in rage. He ordered her mother to bring the food as she gave it to him with her hands shivering.

Natasha sat down, not showing a sign of confusion or nervousness on her face though she had been shivering inside.
Her dad did not say a word while eating and quietly left to the master bedroom for some meetings.

Natasha thought nothing of it and went back to solve the complex math equations and then making a planned sketch of her military automobile.

Eventually she forgot about the fight and assumed they would patch things up but she had been wrong.

A sudden blast was heard, and her ears had started ringing. She quickly transferred her sketch to the phone and locked it.

Natasha didn't want anyone to steal her idea.

She quickly rushed downstairs and saw her mother yelling at her dad for the first time as tears rolled down her mother's eyes.
That was the first time she had seen her crying.

Natasha rushed out and saw Andrew's house on fire. Several bombs dropped at the distance, completely destroying that part of NYC.

She yelled out to her mother- it was the first time she showed any emotion-panic.

They both had rushed to Andrew's house as her father tried stopping them.

They went inside the house, which was burning as the flames increased. Mr. Marks was lying on the floor, unconscious and Mrs. Marks was coughing.
She had told them to save Andrew who was upstairs, in his room.

Natasha remembered her mother protesting and telling Mrs. Marks they could save her but she had been persistent.
Natasha hadn't cared about anything at the moment and had rushed upstairs to save Andrew- someone who made her feel like herself.

Her mom followed her as they dragged the unconscious Andrew downstairs. The flames had gotten worse and Natasha remembered how they had burnt her skin.

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