[ 01. the greenie has a name ]

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| third person pov |

Y/N ROLLED HER eyes with a smile as she watched the boys light the bonfire and start chanting.

"Gladers! Gladers! Gladers!"

Newt sat with the Greenie by a log while they ate.

"Hell of a first day, Greenie." Newt said in between his chewing. He lifted the jar of liquid that sat beside him and offered it to the boy that sat beside him. "Here. Put some hair on your chest."

The Greenie took a sip and immediately gagged, spitting it out on the grass in front of them, which caused Newt to chuckle.

"Ugh." The boy coughed and handed the jar back to Newt. "Oh, my God, what is that?"

"I don't even know." Newt shrugged. "It's Gally's recipe. It's a trade secret."

"Yeah, well, he's still an asshole." The Greenie muttered.

"He saved your life today. Trust me, the Maze is a dangerous place." Newt took a sip of his drink.

"We're trapped here, aren't we?"

"For the moment. But..." Newt twisted his body around and pointed over to where Y/N, Minho and the other Runners were. "You see them, there, by the fire? Those are the Runners. And that guy in the middle there, that's Minho. He's the Keeper of the Runners."

The Greenie's eyes wandered from Minho and to the girl sat beside him. She was talking about something, making gestures with her hands while she ate. A small smile pulled the edge of his mouth up as his eyes flitted over her face.

"Now, every morning when those doors open, they run into the Maze, mapping it, memorising it, trying to find a way out."

"How long have they been looking?"

"Three years." Newt answered.

"And they haven't found anything?"

"It's a lot easier said than done. Listen."

The two boys listened to the rumbling in the distance.

"Hear that? That's the Maze. Changing. It changes every night."

"How is that even possible?" The Greenie asked.

"You can ask the people who put us in here if you ever meet the bastards." Newt said. "Listen, the truth is the Runners are the only ones that really know what's out there. They're the strongest and the fastest of us all, and it's a good thing too because if they don't make it back before those doors close then they're suck out there for the night. And no one's ever survived a night in the Maze."

"What happens to them?" Newt was questioned by the Newbie.

"Well, we call them Grievers. Of course, no one's ever seen one and lived to tell about it. But they're out there." Newt's solemn tone then disappeared. "Right, well, that's enough questions for one night. Come on. Listen, you're supposed to be the guest of honour."

"Oh, well..."

"No. No, no, come on. Let me show you around." Newt stood up.

"I-- Really, I'm--" The Greenie protested.

"Come on. Yeah." Newt pulled the boy to his feet. He then started pointing out the Gladers. "Over there we've got the Builders. Very good with their hands, but then not a lot going upstairs. And then we got Winston. He's the Keeper of the Slicers."

The Greenie looked over at the boy who clapped as he laughed with his friends.

"And we got two Medjacks, Clint and Jeff."

"Oh, hey. What's up?" Clint nodded.

"Yo, Newt." Jeff smiled.

"They spend most of their time bandaging up the Slicers." Newt pointed to Winston and the other boys from before.

"What if I wanna be a Runner?" The Greenie asked.

"Have you listened to a word I just said? No one wants to be a Runner. And besides, you gotta get chosen."

"Get chosen by who?"

Gally sent a Glader stumbling out of the circle, bumping into the Greenie.

"What do you say, Greenie?" Gally said to the boy. "Wanna see what you're made of?"

"Greenie! Greenie! Greenie!" Jeff started chanting and the other Gladers joined in. Y/N looked up from her seat with a grin and jogged over to Newt as the cheering got louder.

"Okay. All right. The rules are simple, Greenie. I try and push you out of the circle. You try and last more than five seconds."

Scattered laughs came from the crowd.

"Ready?" Gally then ran at the boy in front of him and shoved him into Zart and another boy, who pushed him back up. Gally tripped the Greenie and he landed on the sand. "Come on, Greenie. We're not done yet."

"Stop calling me Greenie." The boy frowned as he stood up, readjusting his shirt.

"Stop calling you that? What do you wanna be called? Shank?"

Gally's comment sent the guys in the crowd into a laughing fit.

"What do you think?" He asked the crowd. "Does he look like a shank?"

The Greenie ran at Gally, but it didn't do much and he ended up on the floor again.

"You know what? I think I've settled on shank."

This time when the Greenie ran at Gally, he managed to knock him to the ground.

"Not bad for a Greenie, huh?"

Gally kicked the back of the boy's leg, sending him tumbling to the floor and smacking his head against the hard ground.

The Greenie groaned at first, then muttered something.

"Thomas. Hey." He quickly got to his feet. "Thomas! I remember my name. I'm Thomas!"

"Thomas!" Alby exclaimed and the rest of the group cheered.

They all crowded around Thomas, a few patting him on the back or the shoulder.

"Welcome home, Thomas." Frypan smiled.

"Good job, Thomas." Gally shook his hand.

There was a loud screech from inside the Maze and all the Gladers went silent. Their heads all turned in the direction of the doors and the happy mood was ruined.

"What the hell was that?" Thomas asked.

"That, my friend, was a Griever." Gally answered. "Don't worry. You're safe here with us. Nothing gets through those walls."

"All right, guys. Let's tuck it in for the night." Alby said. "Come on. It was a good night."

While all the boys walked away to the Homestead, Thomas stayed behind and stared at the Maze walls.

"Don't worry." Y/N told him. "Gally's right, you'll be okay in here."

Thomas turned around and faced her. His cheeks dusted a light red when he realized who was talking to him.


"Hi." Y/N had a slightly confused look on her face.

Thomas cleared his throat. "Um. So, you're the only girl here?"


"Do you know why?"

She shrugged in response. "A mistake, probably. I'm Y/N."

She held out her hand and smiled. Thomas shook it with a smile of his own.

"Thomas." He introduced, then blushed in embarrassment. "Well, I guess you already knew that."

Y/N chuckled. "You should probably go to the Homestead before you get in trouble with Alby or Newt."

Thomas nodded.

"Nice meeting you, Thomas."

Thomas' eyes followed her as she walked away until she disappeared behind the door of her hut.

THE NIGHT WE MET; thomas x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now