[ 25. i get chased by a griever ]

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| third person pov |

THOMAS KNEW THE others couldn't go with him. Vince was too set on the safe haven that he wouldn't even hear Thomas out. So, he was taking matters into his own hands.

As he snuck past his sleeping friends, Thomas thought about why he was even doing it. Sneaking away from their camp in the middle of the night to go find a city, that he doesn't even know exists or not, to save his friends. His girlfriend and his best friend.

He checked behind himself as he went up the stairs to where the cars were and zipped up his bag. It was dark, but he still didn't want anyone to notice him leaving.

"Where do you think you're going then?" Thomas looked up as Newt switched on a lamp. It wasn't like Newt had just woken up either, he was dressed in his usual jacket and had hit boots on.

Thomas sighed. "Newt..."

"Don't be a twat about it." Newt walked forward and took Thomas' bag from him. "I'm already in. Come on."

"No. No, not this time." Decided Thomas while Newt put his bag in the back of the car. "Look... even if we find Y/N and Minho, there's no guarantee we make it back from this."

"Well, then you'd need all the help you can get then, wouldn't you?" Newt opened the driver's door of the car and the light turned on to reveal Frypan, who smiled.

Thomas scoffed and shook his head at his two friends with a small smile tugging on his lips.

"Well, we started this together. May as well end it that way, too." Newt reasoned.

"Okay." Thomas nodded. "Let's go get them back."


| y/n's pov |

WHEN I WOKE up, I was met with sunlight. It wasn't something I was used to anymore. Now, I usually woke up in a crappy bunk bed with Minho above me, or in some kind of lab.

I saw the trees and felt the ground I was lying on. Dirt, grass, sticks and leaves. I was outside. I was so confused until I sat up and saw the walls. The walls. As in the Maze walls.

"Oh, no." I turned around to see all four walls, just like the Glade. "No, no, no, no."

My first instinct after that was to look for Minho. Maybe, since I was there, he would be there too.

"Minho?" I whispered, making my way past the trees where some small buildings of sorts were standing. They reminded me of the Glade right at the beginning. The small homemade tents and hammocks set up around under the trees. "Minho?"

There was faint metal clinking coming from somewhere nearby. I turned around and spotted three figures standing at the wall us Gladers had all carved our names into. The figure on the far left was short, a little pudgy, and had curly hair. The middle was a taller guy with dark hair. By the third guy, who was the tallest of the three, I realised who they were.

Chuck, Winston and Alby.

My dead friends.

"Hey!" I called out and they turned back to face me.

Footsteps sped by behind me and I turned around to see a small child, a boy, run past me.

"Wha-- Hey!" I called to the boy, but he didn't even look back. I chased after him. "Hey! Wait! Come on! Hey!"

He ran into a hut and I did too, but it wasn't a hut on the inside. It was a long, dark and damp tunnel. Lights flicked on one by one down the hallway.

I turned around to go back out the door, but it was gone. There was only the tunnel.

Then I heard a clanking, creaking sound behind me and it reminded me of the Maze. I turned around to find two metal doors pulling apart.

A familiar growl came from the shadows and I spun on my heel and started sprinting.

As I turned a corner, all I knew was that I didn't want to be killed by a Griever.

I turned one way, but found a dead end, so I went to go another way but strange voices echoed around above my head.

"How's she doing?"

"Her breathing levels are faltering slightly, but quite strong nonetheless."

I sprinted down another long hall and as I turned a corner, I could hear loud crashing behind me.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit." I spoke under my ragged breaths as I ran. A loud growl came from behind me but as I ran past another corridor, I could see the Griever running in the same direction as me down another path.

When I turned and found another dead end, I spun around and was met with blinding light. A man holding a small torch took up my vision, but he didn't seem to actually be there. I turned around once again but after taking one step, I was frozen in place.

I couldn't move my arms, my legs, or any part of my body. It was a terrifying feeling. I was then lifted from the air and had my body pressed against the tunnel's ceiling. Stuck like glue.

I yelled out and tried to pull my body off or move it in any way, but I froze up when I heard the metallic clanking of Griever legs coming closer and closer. The same growling that had haunted my dreams after we escaped the Maze neared and I squeezed my eyes shut.

The louder the clanking and growling were, the tighter I closed my eyes. My eyes were then forced open when the Griever's large metal leg crashed into the concrete beside me.

The Griever was right in my face and started roaring, it's mouth was as big as my head. I started screaming at the close proximity as the Griever's saliva splattered against my cheeks, and I kept on screaming until my lungs seemed to have no air left and my whole body seemed to slump.

As tears started dripping down my cheeks, more blinding light overtook my vision and I passed out. At least, that was what it felt like.

After some more faint, echoey voices I felt like I woke up again and I was at the beginning of the tunnel again. The creaky, metal doors started opening again and I was running again. And again. And again.

It was like an endless loop. After the Griever went to literally eat my face, would I wake up in the tunnel or the Glade again. And again.

And again.

THE NIGHT WE MET; thomas x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now