[ 27. teresa ]

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| third person |

GALLY PULLED OFF the manhole cover and the group watched as he slowly dropped a ladder down it.

"Be careful, Thomas." Jorge said quietly and Thomas pat his arm.

Gally threw his legs over the edge to get onto the ladder.

"Gally," Frypan crouched opposite him. "Take care of these two."


Newt sat down, and while adjusting his boot, his hands started shaking slightly. He clenched it and shook it as Thomas crouched down in front of the ladder. He climbed down and Newt followed.

"Eugh. This is gross." Whined Newt as the three boys walked through the dirty sewer tunnel.

"Jesus. Yeah, this is great." Thomas stated, sarcasm lacing his tone.

Gally flipped a switch on the wall and lightbulbs along the tunnel whirred to life.

"Stay with me. We got a ways to go."


GALLY POKED HIS head out of a door and the three boys slipped out and blended themselves into the bustling crowd of office workers and such.

Gally led the others up a flight of stairs, and Thomas and Newt slowed down. The sight in front of them was something they had never seen before.

A large, futuristic city with lights and skyscrapers towering over them. A train sped past on the tracks beside them, and the two boys stared at the lights on all the buildings.

"This is a long way from the Glade." Newt commented.

"Fifteen minutes to mandatory curfew. Please proceed home in an orderly fashion. Remember, this is for your safety. Thank you for your compliance."

"Yeah, we better get off the streets." Gally decided. "And I know it's hard, but act like you've seen it before."

Thomas and Newt looked at each other again before following him.

WICKED cars with flashing lights and sirens covered the streets, and the guys didn't take any time to do their best and keep out of sight.

"They've definitely upped security." Gally noticed, then looked at Thomas and Newt. "I'm guessing you shanks have something to do with that. All right, let's get out of here."

Eventually they made it to the inner side of the wall.

"All right, Newt, you're up." Gally crouched down and gave Newt a boost up. When Gally went to offer one to Thomas, he looked away.

"I got it." Thomas jumped and pulled himself up. Gally fought the urge to roll his eyes and followed.

After lots of climbing and stairs, Gally stopped moving and started talking.

"There it is. If WICKED's got Minho and Y/N, that's where they'll be keeping them." He spoke. Thomas stared past the buildings and at the large WICKED tower in the middle of the city.

Gally set up a telescope and pointed it at the building.

"Lawrence has been trying to find a way in for years." He looked through the telescope. "Place is crawling with soldiers. They got surveillance everywhere. Scanners on every floor."

"Sounds like a bloody fortress." Newt muttered.

"Yeah, I thought you said you had a way in." Thomas looked at Gally.

"I might."

"You might?" Thomas repeated. "What the hell do you mean 'might'?"

Gally gestured to the telescope. "Take a look."

Thomas leaned down and peered through the telescope, looking through the WICKED tower's large glass windows before he stopped on a girl. Thomas felt his entire body tense, and his fist clenched tightly.

Teresa was in a lab, going about her day and acting as if absolutely nothing was wrong. He pulled away from the telescope, but still stared at the building from afar.

"I said I had a way in. I didn't say you were gonna like it."


| y/n's pov |

AFTER THE CONSTANT torture of the Griever simulation over the course of weeks, it was hard to even move. I could barely talk, my thoughts all mushed together, and it hurt to move.

Minho and I had been thrown onto our beds an hour earlier, and when the two guards came to take Minho again, he couldn't even protest or fight like he used to. He gave up and let them pull him away.

Leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I wanted to scream, to punch the wall, to send objects flying. I wanted to punch Janson in the face, and I wanted to call Teresa every insulting name under the sun. But most of all, I wanted Ava Paige to pay.

But I couldn't.

All I could do was lie alone in painful silence, just trying to remember what Thomas looked like. It had been so long, that he had started to fade. The literal torture I had been going through wasn't helping either, just made things worse. I couldn't even remember Fry's face anymore.

So, I focused on memories. Like parties in the Glade, our whole time in the Scorch, running the Maze. I liked to remember when Thomas kissed me. Or when I kissed him at the Right Arm.

But looking back at these memories had on more than one occasion made me think. They made me start creating idealistic scenarios in my head. How Minho and I could escape WICKED, or our friends came to save us. In these fantasies we would all reunite, and we would be safe. They usually just made me feel worse.

It hadn't been too long when the guards came back with Minho, his legs dragging on the floor and his eyelids fluttering. I could tell Minho had been electrocuted. I was familiar with both the look and the feeling.

Minho got tased a lot when we were first taken. He kept on yelling at and trying to fight the guards. I had faced the same form of punishment for similar reasons. We were trying to protect each other.

They dumped him back on his bed, and I could tell the guards were talking, but their voices were faint and echoey.

I looked straight ahead at the boy in front of me and heard the familiar thump of the door closing. Minho passed out after that. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly and wished that we could get out, that our friends would come and save us like they tried with the train. That, just like in my imagination, we would reunite and live safely from WICKED.

We needed to get out before we ended up dead.

first chapter of 2023!!!
sorry for not updating, it's been busy over the holidays but i should be able to write more now

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