By any other name - Part 4 - John x Sherlock x Reader

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(Y/n) looked out of the window of her consulting room, onto the garden outside. The Cotswolds couldn't be further removed from San Francisco if it tried. This little part of England, a throwback to an earlier age. Peace and quiet in an otherwise chaotic world. A complete contrast to the bustling city that she and Dante had called home for so long. A city that was dominated by the bridge and an old prison stuck on an island in the Bay. And even though a part of her missed the hustle and bustle of the beautiful seven hilled city, the rest of her didn't miss the sounds of wailing police sirens. She didn't miss the sound of the cries and screams, as the paramedics wheeled into the hospital another victim of the violence that had kept her busy for the last seventeen years of her life. (Y/n) deciding that this was the best move that she had made since leaving England in the first place. Now, all she had to do, was hope that her accidental collision with Mycroft, and Doctor Watson's little competition, didn't ruin everything she had worked so long and hard for. Didn't spoil her and Dante's new life.

It wasn't that she had wanted to leave Mycroft, she had loved him despite everything. It wasn't that she had ever wanted to leave England. But that night, when the older Holmes had once again refused to listen to what she had to say. When his work had yet again been too important to hear the most lifechanging news possible. (Y/n) had finally realised that she had no other choice than to get as far away from Mycroft as she could. To give the life growing inside her every chance that she could. And she had had a feeling that given the way that her fiancée had been acting, the best chance she could give her child, was a life without Mycroft in it.

"MOM!" A loud exclamation came without warning. The doctor nearly jumping out of her skin, at the sound of the excited tone.

"I won mom! Look I won." The voice quickly continued. (Y/n) turning to see a grinning Dante. Her son gripping his laptop tightly in his hand. The patients in the waiting room muttering to one another, as the new doctor closed the door to the room behind her boy.

"Won what............?"

"Mom, you can't have forgotten. The competition. Doctor Watson's competition. I just got an email from the Doctor himself. I solved Sherlock's case. I won. We get to go and meet Doctor Watson and Sherlock at Baker Street next week." Dante explained, as he dropped into one of the chairs and pulled up the email. (Y/n) doing her best to appear as happy about the whole thing as her son undoubtedly was.

"I never doubted that you could solve the case for a moment. And I am sure that you and Sherlock will have a lot to talk about. But.........but are you still sure that you want to do this? I mean, famous people aren't always as they appear. They can be one way for the cameras. One way when they are in public. But in private...............I wouldn't want you to change your mind about Sherlock.........."

"Mom, I'm sure I want to meet him. And I think that you and Doctor Watson will have a lot in common. Plus, I doubt that Sherlock is any different to what you see when he appears on TV..............."

"No, you're unfortunately right there.........."

"What........?" Dante enquired, as he looked up from the message on the computer screen.

"Nothing sweetheart. So, it looks like we get to make another visit down to the big smoke. I'll be sure to get the locum to take care of my patients for that day. And speaking of patients, I think a have a few more to see before I can leave for the day. So, why don't you go home and reply to the doctor? Tell him that we look forward to seeing both him and Sherlock." (Y/n) continued. Dante nodding in agreement, before getting to his feet, kissing his mother on the cheek and throwing open the door to her rooms once again. The young man's exit appearing to cause as much of a stir as his entrance did, as the waiting patients once again began to mutter amongst themselves. The doctor doing her best to continue to smile, as she thought about not only meeting this Doctor Watson, but also Sherlock again after so many years. As well as another likely meeting with Mycroft.


"That young man just sent me an email..........." John began, as he looked up from his laptop. Rolling his eyes as Sherlock seemed to not hear a damn thing that he was saying, as per usual.


"What? What is it?" Sherlock finally replied curtly, as he reluctantly turned his attention to his frustrated friend.

"The young man. The one that Mycroft had me set up the competition for. You remember.........the one that he thinks could be his son. That young man. He's sent me an email, saying that he and his mother will be coming down............."

"And? What does that have to do with me..............?" Sherlock enquired, as he raised a questioning brow.

"Well............if he is Mycroft's son, that would make him your nephew. I would have thought that would have been something to do with you." John retorted in slight disbelief. Doing his best to remember that he was talking to Sherlock. Doing his best to remember that Sherlock didn't think the way he thought about things. Didn't think about things the way that most people thought about things.

"There is no 'if' about it." Sherlock corrected, as he got up from his chair and made his way over to where John sat on the sofa. The consulting detective taking a seat next to the doctor and reading the email that Dante had sent.

"If (Y/n) has a child, then it is most definitely Mycroft's. There is no if. Now, perhaps you should inform my brother that (Y/n) and his son will be here next week." Sherlock continued matter of factly, as he got to his feet and made his way to the kitchen. Leaving John to just shake his head, as he reached for his phone. 

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