Pitter patter - Part 3 - John x Mary x Sherlock x Reader

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"Well.............moment of truth." Mary said, as the alarm on (Y/n)'s phone finally sounded. The detective sure that five minutes had never taken so long. The breath catching in her throat and her hand hesitating, as she reached for the test stick.

"Do you think that I will be a good mother...........?" (Y/n) asked, steeling herself before turning the tester over.

"I think that you will make a wonderful mother (Y/n). But we won't know that you're going to be a mother, until you look at the test." Mary replied, placing a reassuring hand on her friend's shoulder. (Y/n) nodding, before slowly turning the white, plastic tester over. Her heart dropping into her stomach, as she saw the result.

"Do you want to go and tell John?" Mary asked, as (Y/n) handed her the stick.

"Er..........yeah. I think............I think that would be good............" (Y/n) agreed, as Mary handed her back the tester. The nurse taking (Y/n)'s hand and leading her out of the bathroom.


"John...................." Mary said, as she and (Y/n) made their way back into the living room. John smiling up at the pair, as they came to stand before him.

"Well............what is it................?" John asked. Watching as his wife gave the detective a small nod and a smile, before (Y/n) handed him the tester. His eyes growing wide as he turned it over and saw the result.

"Positive!" John gasped, as he looked between the white stick and the mother to be, as she dropped into the chair across from him.

"Um..........yeah. Looks like I'm going to be a mum." (Y/n) replied. It obvious that the idea hadn't fully sunk in yet. Mary taking a seat on the arm of the chair and placing an arm around the detective's shoulder.

"That's wonderful. (Y/n).........Congratulations............." The doctor responded cheerily. Doing his best to lighten the mood. Mary shrugging slightly, as her husband looked at her.

It wasn't that (Y/n) wasn't happy. In fact, she was finding herself quite overjoyed at the notion of being a mother. Of Sherlock's child growing inside of her. It was just that it was a complete and utter shock. Given that she had been told that she couldn't have kids, the fact that she was now pregnant, was making her head spin. And her stomach. The detective not sure whether she wanted to laugh, to cry, to make her way out onto the front street and shout out her good news to the world, or just crawl up into a small ball and pretend like it wasn't happening. (Y/n) sure that she had never felt so uncertain. Never felt so scared or confused in her entire life.

Normally when she was uncertain about things, she would go and speak to Greg, the detective inspector not only her boss, but also her friend and mentor. And given what he had been through in his own life, he had always seemed more than happy to help and advise her on things. Their friendship always meaning a great deal to her, given that she had no real family to speak of. But (Y/n) knew that the next person that she should really speak to, was Sherlock. It really only right that the father of her child be the first or should that be the next to know.

"(Y/n).............are you ok?" A concerned voice came. (Y/n) looking up to see John perched on the edge of the sofa.

"Um............yeah. I................I just............Its just a bit of a shock that's all. I don't know what to think..........But........ I suppose that the next obvious thing to do is go back to Baker Street and tell Sherlock. After all, its not every day that you find out you're going to be a parent is it. Especially not when you're a Holmes." (Y/n) replied with a nervous chuckle. He teeth chewing at her bottom lip, as she thought about breaking the news to the father to be. A thousand scenarios racing through her brain. Everything from the worst to the best outcomes playing out in her mind's eye. From finding herself out on the streets, to the consulting detective instantly child proofing everything in the flat and having John's old room painted so that it was ready for the new arrival. (Y/n) sure that before the little one was even born, Sherlock and Mycroft would have argued about and then finally agreed on which school and then university it was going to be going to.

"Would you like us to come with you..............?"

"Oh, yes............yes please. I think I need some backup. And if Sherlock faints or something, I believe having a nurse and doctor on hand would be a good thing.............." (Y/n) interrupted. Quickly taking Mary up on the offer of the Watson's joining her as she told Sherlock the news that would change both their lives.


Sherlock looked up at the clock on the mantlepiece. He was sure that (Y/n) had been gone for some time. Sure, that she had informed him that she was just going to the shop to get them some more milk, given that he had left the last lot out of the refrigerator because as he had said, "it took up too much room". The detective stating that the last lot, now resembled something more akin to yogurt or cottage cheese than actual milk.

Sitting back in his chair, Sherlock began to think. It was true that (Y/n) had been acting a little differently recently. But, as he had been working on a case, and she had always insisted that she was fine, the consulting detective had to admit that he had forgotten about the whole thing. It wasn't that he didn't care. In truth, he cared more for (Y/n) than he thought he could ever care about anyone. In fact, he loved her with all his heart, which was something that he never thought he would ever say. But (Y/n) was special. From the moment that Grant had taken her to the flat that first time, he had found himself fascinated by the female detective. Strange feelings instantly growing inside him, as he had shaken her hand when the two were introduced. And he had known then that he had to have her as a permanent fixture in his life. The consulting detective recalling the feeling of the first kiss that they had shared. Of every other kiss that they had shared since. Of all the nights they had been together in his bed. Of all the days that they had spent working on cases. (Y/n) never once complaining about his experiments, about him playing the violin until all hours. Never once seeming to mind about him disappearing into his mind palace for days on end, or the bits of bodies in the refrigerator. A small smile pulling at the corners of his lips, as it finally struck him how lucky he was.

Suddenly Sherlock heard something. The consulting detective getting to his feet as the sound of Misses Hudson's cheery tone met his ears.

"Doctor Watson..........Mary, how nice to see you..............." 

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