The guest - Part 2 - Sherlock x Reader

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"Sherlock! I swear to God that if you don't come out of my bathroom now; I will download polka music and play it at full blast right into your ear when you are trying to concentrate.........I will take your violin and throw it into the Thames and cut your hair while you are asleep.............." (Y/n) growled, as she banged on the bathroom door.

A week........a whole looooooong week. That was how long Sherlock had been camped out on her sofa. That was how long it had been since he started to take over her home. Originally, he had told her that it would just be a couple of days; but she supposed that that was what he had told John and Mary. (Y/n) only able to imagine how much worse it must be if she had had a baby like Rosamund, too. Though she was sure that the little girl was far better behaved than Sherlock. That, and the child didn't lock herself in her bathroom every morning; doing goodness only knows what.

It was strange having someone else in her little haven. Normally she would never mix work and her home life, unlike certain other people she worked with. Work could be chaotic, grim, bloody, and gruesome. It could be dangerous and draining, certain cases meaning long hours, very little sleep, too much junk food and far too much coffee; but here in her little home, she could forget about all that. She could forget about Anderson and Donovan; she could forget about Sherlock and his insufferable nature, his need to always be right. But here she was, having to put up with that intolerable arse; and it was all her own fault.

She still couldn't work out why she had done it. Why she would surrender her peace and quiet for a man that she had to admit, had an amazing ability to annoy her more than anyone else seemed to be able to do; last night not the first night that she had lain there looking up at the ceiling, her pillows pushed up against her ears, as Sherlock pulled his bow across the stings of his violin. The detective sure that he was making it sound like he was strangling something, just because she had thrown something he had left rotting on the kitchen counter, for one of his so-called experiments, in the bin. Finally, as the noise had died down, she had come to think that it was because she felt sorry for him.

When she had told him that she had only offered her sofa because no one, not even his own brother, wanted to help, she wasn't being cruel.......well, maybe a little; but it was also true, and she hadn't been able to do anything as the words just slipped from her tongue. (Y/n) hating the idea that no matter how irritating the younger Holmes could be, there wasn't another soul that wanted to help him when he was in need; and as his only real friend had actually been given the hard word to get Sherlock out of the house, he had no one else to turn to; no other friends to look to. But as sorry as she had felt for him a week ago, that feeling was now long gone. The detective just wishing that she had someone she could threaten with no sex for a month, so she could get Sherlock if not out of her place, then at least out of her bathroom.

"William Sherlock Scott Holmes, if you don't come out now, I will tell every police officer in the Yard, that wear g-sting underwear, and you have an embarrassing tattoo on your arse cheek..........."

"You wouldn't dare............!" The door to the bathroom suddenly being thrown open. (Y/n)'s eyes growing wide as the younger Holmes stood there in nothing more than one of her best towels, wrapped around his waist. His hair still soaped up from the shampoo and his chest covered in a thin layer of water. The detective feeling the breath catch in her throat and her heart pounded violently in her chest. She hadn't thought to find him like this; to see him like this. But as he stood there, glaring at her, she couldn't pretend that she was sorry. In fact, she wished that she had thought of this earlier. (Y/n) letting her eyes linger just a little longer, before she shook the thoughts of what it might be like, if the towel was to drop to the floor from her mind, grabbing Sherlock by the arm and pulling him out of the bathroom. Quickly locking the door behind her so he couldn't force his way back in.

"Try me......William. Some of us around here have a job that we have to get to. I have nearly been late every day this week because you. I can't just sit around here pretending like I am doing something, or making more smells that my neighbours are undoubtedly going to complain about. Now leave me alone and you can go back to your daily prolonged ablutions, when I have finished........Oh, and before I forget, please don't let Misses Douglas see you coming in with any more body parts; she already thinks I have let Dennis Nilsen move in next door to her. I have had to explain the fact that you are sleeping on my sofa to more than one person at the Yard, to stop officers from breaking my front door down." (Y/n) called through the bathroom door. Turning on the shower so that she couldn't hear him bang on the door, nor him complain.     

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