The Knave of Hearts - Part 6 - Sherlock x John x Reader

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Sherlock hadn't said a word since he and John had followed Caine out of the drawing room. It was obvious to the doctor, that the detective wasn't overtly keen on the man, though John had to confess that he didn't much appreciate him either. He wasn't sure why Lord Royston trusted this man so much; he had a way about him, a way that didn't sit well. The ex-army doctor, feeling that he wasn't suitable to call himself a member of the Queen's Guard, especially given the kind of men that he knew were honoured enough to call themselves just that.

John didn't need to have Sherlock's deductive prowess to tell that the tall, blonde-haired man had been in a fight recently; the bruised and scuffed knuckles speaking volumes. And the smell of alcohol already on his breath, indicating that the so called head of security was really in no fit state to secure anything, never mind a huge stately home and the beautiful young lady that resided within. And given how the lady Royston had acted when Caine had entered the room, she was more aware of the man's unfavourable nature than her father was.

Beautiful young lady...............there was no denying that the lady that they had met, could certainly turn any man's head; goodness knew that she had already turned his. There was something about her that he found endearing. In her, he had seen an air of vulnerability. A sweet and gentle heart, and kind nature. Yet, there had also been a fire; a fire that had pushed her to defend her friend against Sherlock's usual thoughtlessness. His slightly cruel words about a blacksmith's daughter not being the usual companion for a lady, certainly not being appreciated by the lady. John feeling that her reaction had even shocked Sherlock.

Sherlock..............he still hadn't said a word. The consulting detective looking around, as Caine showed them the outside of the large home, pointing out the measures that he and his men had in place. Measures that would be in place on the night of the masquerade ball. Sherlock not seeming to listen to a word that was being said. His lack of interest seeming to irritate Caine no end.

"What about the local police..........." John asked, as he saw Caine glare at Sherlock. The consulting detective just having let an unamused, mocking snort at the blonde man's assurance that all would be safe on the night.

"The peelers............there are a couple in the local village. Get paid for nothin if ya ask me. Walk around like they own the place and everyone in it................"

"So, much like you do with Royston Hall and Lady (Y/n)..............." Sherlock interrupted. The detective not even bothering to look at the man, his eyes still scanning the old building.

"You what.....................?"

"Lady Royston. You would very much like more than the mistress and servant relationship that you have now. And, it is obvious that you and she have had a run in before. That your actions have shown her what kind of man you truly are. And I assure you, Mister Caine, that you even so much as look in the direction of lady (Y/n) while I am here, and you will find your employment here, ending sooner rather than later................." Sherlock continued, as he finally turned to look at the man. John about to push his way between the pair, when a concerned voice thankfully interrupted the scene.

"Oh, Doctor Watson..........thank goodness that I've found you............" Bess said, slightly breathlessly, as she ran up to the men.

"Miss Bess.........what is it...................?"

"Its (Y/n).........I mean Lady Royston..............."

"What about her................?" Sherlock interrupted, as he stepped up to John's side.

"She.........well, I don't know to be truthful; but while we were in the market, she said she thought she saw someone, and it looked as though she was about to faint. She told me that she was tired, but I think there is something more to it." Bess explained, John looking between Sherlock and the young lady.

"Well doctor, it seems as though you might have a patient. Perhaps you should go and see the lady..............." Sherlock said. John nodding, before gesturing Bess to lead the way. The detective waiting for his friend to disappear before returning to Caine.

"I will be speaking to his Lordship. I will recommend that he contacts Detective Inspector Lestrade of Scotland Yard and has some of his officers sent up here for the night of the ball. You............will not be needed. Perhaps you can spend the evening at the local you normally do............Perhaps you will be able to finish the fight you started last night. After all, these things happen when you don't pay your partner his share for the animals that you poach from his lordships land....." Sherlock said, ignoring the death glare from Caine. The consulting detective simply turning and heading off to find John and the lady Royston.


(Y/n) sat on the elaborately embroidered couch that stood grandly in the middle of the room. She had tried to tell Bess that she really was alright, yet Bess had insisted that she should get Doctor Watson to check on her. And just for her friend's peace of mind, (Y/n) had finally agreed. A soft chuckle leaving her lips, as Bess had almost run through the door.

The lady had to admit that she hated lying to Bess. The two had never kept anything from one another; but if she really told her about the man that she believed that she had seen, not only in the market, but also outside the small cottage that Bess and her father lived in, she knew that her friend would worry. And given what she had been through recently with her father, (Y/n) had no desire to cause her any more stress; especially as she was beginning to doubt her own eyes.

"So..............Bess informs me that you nearly fainted............." John said, as he and Bess walked into the room.

"What.........oh Bess, I felt a little light headed that is all. I assure you Doctor Watson that I am quite alright." (Y/n) replied, as John came to sit next to her on the couch and took hold of her wrist.

"And what do you think caused you to feel light headed..........?" John enquired, as he watched the second hand of his pocket watch move around the dial.

"I am just a little tired, that's all........................."

"I think that you will find that your patient is in rude health, doctor. Though I would very much like to discuss the man that she saw in the market. So, when you have finished your examination, I would like a few moments with her ladyship...............alone." Sherlock told the doctor, as he removed the top hat from his head and took a seat across from the lady. His eyes never leaving her, as John did what he had to do.  

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