A Chance Meeting - Part 3

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(Y/n) watched as Sherlock spoke quietly to John, and as Lestrade and Mycroft stood in the corner, Mycroft seeming to whisper into his phone as he kept glancing at her. If it wasn't bad enough that she had been attacked, now she felt like a child that had been scolded by her parents. As she lay in her hospital bed, she had had to tell Lestrade and her brothers about the new letters and how they had been worse than the previous ones; but when they had asked her why she hadn't told any of them, she hadn't wanted to say that it was because of Jim, so she had simply told them that she didn't want to worry them again.

"Well young lady, it looks like you're going to be ok, but the doctors want to keep you in over night just in case." A sympathetic John said, as he moved to the side of her bed, Sherlock now joining the other men.

"Give it to me straight Doc, how much trouble am I in?" (Y/n) asked, trying to smile as John took her hand in his.

"Well lets just put it this way, I don't think I've ever seen Sherlock this mad, and Mycroft is talking about putting you in some kind of safe house or something." John said sympathetically as (Y/n) dropped her head.

"Why didn't you tell us it was happening again, (Y/n)?" John asked, as he sat on the side of her bed.

"I....... well, someone else said that they were going to look after it for me, and I didn't want to have to be locked up with Sherlock again, I'd probably end up stuffing him in his own fridge if I had to do that again." (Y/n) explained, as John gave her a confused look.

"Who said that they would take care of it for you sweetheart?" The doctor asked, Sherlock and Mycroft walking over to join them before (Y/n) could reply.

"Now young lady, as soon as the doctors releases you tomorrow, I will have you escorted to a safe house where we can watch over you until we can apprehend the man responsible for this." Mycroft told her, (Y/n) huffing at being spoken to like she was a child, as well as the idea of being dragged to a safe house.

"Don't you think that's a bit extreme? I mean this was probably only a mugging or something, it could have happened to anyone, this is London after all; Greg, tell them that this is overkill." (Y/n) said, beseeching for the Detective Inspector to intercede.

"(Y/n) will you stop acting like a fool, you know very well that this was not just a random mugging, you have a stalker and these men can be exceptionally dangerous. He has already proved that he has every intention of doing more than simply sending you letters, we have to protect you, we have to..........." Sherlock began, only to find himself cut off midsentence by a now angry (Y/n).

"You both said you were going to protect me last time, you both told me that you were going to find who was responsible for all this last time; and what did you both do, you spent the entire time griping at one another about whose brain is more superior, well this time you can both go out and prove it. You both say you want what's best for me, that you want to protect me, then put your brains where your mouths are and get this guy; I am not going into safe house I have a life, and I have a........... well I have a life, and I'm not having it disrupted again, maybe I should rely on someone else to take care of me rather than you two." (Y/n) said with a huff, turning away from the four men that stood in shock next to the side of her bed.

"What do you mean you have a ........... life?" Mycroft enquired, as he slowly sat on the bed.

"What do you mean...... someone else to take care of you?" Sherlock asked, as he sat next to Mycroft.

"Oh please, isn't it obvious." John chuckled, as Sherlock and Mycroft turned to look at him.

"Of course, you two don't think like that do you? I believe that you will find that (Y/n) has found herself a gentleman." John proudly declared, growing a little uncomfortable as (Y/n) turned back to glare at him.

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