Part 79

348 17 12

All of them became quite and after few seconds Zarin spoke

Zarin: Then what happened Saad bhai?

Saad looked at her and nob his head in no. Zarin got confused so she asked again

Zarin: Saad bhai what does this no means?

Saad looked at her and Bijan gave him water to drink, after taking a sip he said

Saad: Bhabhi I don't know what happened after that.

He paused and continued

Saad: The last words which I heard was, safe him or boss will kill us. After that, what happened, how did they save me, what did they do to me, I don't know any thing.

Saad paused and looked at Zarin and then said

Saad: But you know bhabhi, I really feel very bad

Zarin looked at him and said

Zarin: I can understand Saad Bhai, you might have got scared.

Zarin paused and continued

Zarin: But, Saad bhai please don't feel bad, it was not your fault.

Saad looked at everyone and then continued

Saad: bhabhi I don't feel bad for my self, but you know I really feel bad for them

Hearing Saad this time Mahira spoke

Mahira: I can understand, you must be feeling bad for those kidnapper. whom Zaid bhai must have beaten.

Saad looked at Zaid and before Zaid could say anything, Saad spoke again

Saad: No no Aapi, you misunderstood

Saad paused and then continued

Saad: Aapi I don't feel bad for kidnappers, they deserve the beating if Zaid bhai would have given them.

Zaid was about to say something but Saad quickly continued.

Saad: I really feel bad for some other things

All of them look at him and then this time Bijan questioned

Bijan: Saad beta (son) then for whom are you feeling bad?

Saad looked at everyone and then his eyes got fix on Zarin and spoke addressing Bijan

Saad: Bijan I'm feeling bad for the bed, mattress, pillows, quilt, curtains, side table, table lamp, carpet etc

All of them looked at him, as he has grown two head, and this time Asad spoke

Asad: why are you feeling bad for all of them?

Asad pause and looked at everyone and then continued

Asad: it's ok if the kidnapper's or their boss might have destroyed everything either in anger, or to save their self, after all it was their loss.

Saad looked at everyone and then said

Saad: no bhaijan you misunderstood.

Asad narrowed his brow's, and looked at everyone, as he knew all of them are confused like him, so he asked again to Saad

Asad: then what are you talking, please specify, so that we can understand

Saad looked at everyone and smiled and said

Saad: I am talking about Zaid bhai's bedroom

Everyone narrowed their brow's as Saad paused, seeing their faces he again continued

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