Chapter Two

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It was dark.

And her suitcase felt like a mattress.

God worked in mysterious ways.


She didn't feel cold. She didn't feel achy from resting on her suitcase.

Where was the sound of crickets?

Isabella slowly opened her eyes as she took in the silence.

Something was wrong.

Her stomach filled with terror-flies as she realized what had happened.

"I've been taken!" She said with enough common sense to be silent.

Maybe it wasn't God who told her to leave.

She was a fool.

She brought this upon herself the moment she stepped out of her safe and warm home.

It was a terrifying reality.

Tears fell down her face as she tried not to panic.

It didn't work.

"God, please, please don't forget about me. I need you," Her chest shook as she sobbed quietly.

Life with Hugh would've been hopeless, but at least she would've had a life.

Now her fate was sealed. Whoever took her was going to hurt.

Her eyes roamed across the room to find a way out.

A sheet of paper lay on the table beside her.

Was it a death note?

Shakily she reached out and grabbed it.

'You were resting on the road when I found you. Safe and unharmed.

I brought you to my home, you are in the guest room.

If you need anything or want to leave, my name is Andrew Quinn, shout and I'll come to you.

You got angels protecting you, Miss.

God bless,'

The man was kind enough not to leave her on the street and take her in, but she still needed to get away.

Since it was too late at night for her to leave, Isabella locked the door and hurried back to bed.

"Father, I need you to help me. I don't know where I'll go, I need you to guide me." She prayed while drying her tears and tried to find ways to stay awake.


Andrew chose to stay in the living room.

He was keeping guard as questions took over his mind.

He still wasn't sure where the woman came from.

He wondered if she was a runaway.

A runaway with a crazy husband.

The morning came without him noticing.

Gentle whispers and the creaky floor pulled him out of his catnap.

"Good morning," He murmured and cleared his throat at the sound of his husky tone.

Isabella jumped at his voice as her suitcases hit the floor.

"I'm Andrew Quinn," He introduced himself.

He stood from his chair and took in the composure of the woman.

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