Chapter Three

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"Turn your eyes upon Jesus,"

Isabella sang as she tidied her room.

Her room for now.

Soon, she'd be on her way.

"Look full in His wonderful face,"

It'd been three hours since the agreement with Andrew. He stayed true to his word.

He stayed up front as she made her room up to her liking.

She wasn't sure what he was doing, but she didn't mind not knowing.

"And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,"

As those words left her lips, Isabella stood still.

God might have been using this time to turn her gaze back to Him.

She didn't know what was happening. She didn't know what her future held.

She only knew that God was protecting and loving her.

"In the light of His glory and grace,"

On bended knee, Isabella bowed her head in prayer.

"No matter what. No matter what comes today, tomorrow, and so forth, I will remain in You. Help me to see You. You are my hope and my soul's song. I don't know what will come out of this step of faith or foolishness, but I know that Your streams of mercy never cease. Cover me, Lord."

She wanted to learn how to remain kept by God's Word. If her world shifted beneath her, God would hold her still.

She only had to hold it in a trinket near her heart.

"Isabella," Andrew called from the hall.

A smile grew on her face.

He didn't even come to the door.

He was strangely respectful.

"Could you get the door? My hands are full, so please excuse me."

Strange, indeed.

Isabella dusted her knees as she stood. "Coming," She said while walking down the hall.

"Thank you,"

He called from the kitchen, genuinely feeling like a bother.

He was used to doing everything.

The knocking grew more forceful as Isabella neared the door.

Andrew seemed like a calm and good man. He shouldn't have had enemies in town.

But whoever was at the door seemed to be cross with him.

Or impatient.

Isabella hoped for the latter as she opened the door.

"Mr. Quinn, I heard about some negro causing trouble in town. Stevie told me you were treating her real good, but I had to find you myself and know why."

A tall and slender white man with graying hair complained without noticing Isabella.

Her eyes widened at the man's audacious ways.

"I'll be," The man whistled as he took in Isabella. "You sleazy negra. You're the one causing trouble, but I see why. You're easy on the eyes,"

Before Isabella could respond or slam the door in his face, Andrew came behind her.

It seemed like every person that Andrew helped the most were the ones with the foulest hearts.

Andrew gently moved Isabella away from the door and prayed for the Lord to keep him from hurting Neal.

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