Chapter Twenty-One

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Andrew was working in the yard.

He was working.

He was thinking.

How did God allow this goodness to find him?

Why did He allow this goodness to remain?

It wasn't a self-deprecating thought.

It was sincerely his current wonder.

Isabella Quinn was the greatest person he'd ever met.

She was a light-bearer, and he adored her.

But why was she his?

Did he deserve her?

Did he deserve Haven?

Why was God so good to him?

He tried to trace his steps from his earliest memory to when he met Isabella.

Nothing came up that proved him to be deserving of Isabella.

She was a gift.

What was he?

Andrew sat behind the barn and reflected on the question growing louder in his mind.

"Who am I, Lord? Who am I that Isabella would love me abandonly?"

At first glance, he was an alright-looking man.

He wasn't tall.

He was broad.

He wasn't pale, but he wasn't tan.

His hair wasn't blonde, but it wasn't red.

He was hairy.

He wasn't posh, but he wasn't uncouth.

He wasn't American but couldn't relate to his English heritage.

He didn't have parents.

He was alone before Isabella came along.

He was a recovering alcoholic, something he hadn't shared.

Who was he that Isabella should love him?

Isabella was everything.

Why did she love him?

Why did she look at him with stars in her eyes?

Why did she pursue his heart relentlessly when they met?

Why did she settle for him?

"I didn't mean that, Lord." Andrew immediately corrected himself.

He closed his eyes and held his face.

He meant it.

Isabella deserved the world.

She deserved the most handsome man.

She deserved to live in Paris.

She deserved to be with a man who understood why God was good.

She deserved someone better than him.

But still, she loved him.

Would she still love him if she knew?

"Lord," Andrew groaned in annoyance as he faced the music.

Isabella loved him.

She loved him.

She loved the Andrew, who seemed like he had it all together.

He wasn't perfect.

He still didn't understand why God's grace allowed him to be.

There had to be a catch.

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