Chapter Thirteen

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They were home.

A smile settled on Isabella's face as she watched Andrew help her parents get comfortable in the house.

It was the biggest house they'd seen since being set free.

They would've equated it to the home of their former master.

But it was different.

This home was a place of freedom and relaxation.

Andrew insisted on allowing them creative freedom with the house. Whatever they desired, they would have.

Indeed, they deserved it and more.

Her parents were in awe from the moment they entered Andrew's car. Their reality was unreal.

The pair wandered around the house as Andrew made his way to Isabella.

"Hi, lovely," She sang and wrapped her arms around him. "You are a blessing,"

Andrew shook his head and kissed her gently.

Isabella melted in his arms as his kiss made her floaty.

He pulled away and smiled, making her heart fluttery.



They were synonymous with being near Andrew.

"I've missed having a family," He admitted for the first time.

Isabella's parents were God's gift to him. They welcomed him, and he felt like their own.

They didn't raise a brow when he told him about his age or how their marriage came to be.

They loved him all the more.

It touched his heart and crushed him to know that his parents would've loved Nadage and Hamilton.

Isabella sighed softly at his honesty.

She never thought about him missing his parents.

He didn't speak about them.

"I hope you still feel this way when we have our twenty children," She teased lightly.

Andrew chuckled, his smile still there. "I take this as your agreement to having twenty, my love."

She blushed at the endearment and rested her head on his shoulder. "I won't lie, lovely husband, twenty is a handful. But having twenty with you makes all the difference,"

It was true.

Andrew made things better.

They'd be wonderful parents to their twenty children.

Andrew tightened his grip around her and kissed her hair. "You find a way to enlarge my capacity of love for you every single moment, Bella."

Knowing that she saw him as a good addition to her life blessed his soul.

Knowing she wanted to take on twenty children with him blessed him more.

It meant she admired his character.

Maybe it was because her parents were near and here to stay.

Maybe it was the way Andrew made her heart shout for joy.

Maybe it was the way that Andrew constantly romanced her.

Whatever it was, Isabella couldn't stop the tears that clouded her vision.

Andrew was an overwhelming volcano of lovingkindness and purity. His motives were to love her, and he never failed to accomplish his goal.

There was something about him.

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