Chapter Fifteen

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Christmas time was near.

It was blissful.

For the first time, Isabella would have the one thing she desired most for Christmas.

Two things.

An utterly unflinching faith in God. And a husband to share the faith with.

Her relationship with Andrew opened her eyes to the life of Christ.

It was easy to look over certain aspects of the Bible, but now she couldn't miss it.

Christ came to restore everything to God. He came for the prodigal sons and daughters, creations of the Lord, and reconciled them to Him.

He brought unity back to the body.

The body could flourish as One in Christ and individually members of one another.

They were brothers and sisters. Friends.

Yet, they were not to be unequally yoked.

She understood now that it was necessary. Very important.

A yoke was something more than just Christian and nonbeliever.

In Christ, His own can load their burdens on Him and live freely.

Outside of Christ, men must bear the weight of their sins.

When trying to bind or yoke a pair, one will always bear most of the weight if their burden is not equal.

Christ was amid Isabella and Andrew's marriage bearing all the weight as the yoke itself.

It blew her mind and eased it at once.

She knew this wasn't average or common. This was done by the hand of God.

He led, they followed.

The mere thought made her swoon and melt.

But for some reason, it brought jitters to her stomach.

Nothing was the matter.

God was with her. God was with them.

Something was happening.

Her brows furrowed as she searched her thoughts for a reason.

"Father, my mind is falling short. Help me understand,"

Something was off.

"Oh my," She murmured as realization struck her.

Something was missing.

It was true.

"No," She said to God lightly. "I don't know, Father,"

Could she deny the urging of the Lord?

When He spoke in a still whisper or loudly, His Words always rang true.


Her jitters soon began to fade into delight.

Years ago, the Lord began to speak about her future. And she listened with gladness.

Just as her hopes for love and a good husband faded with the introduction of Hugh, her hope in God's promises faded.

But God loved her.

God had His greatest things for her.

He blessed her with the loveliest man, Andrew Quinn.

And now she'd have a child of her own.

It didn't scare her. It wasn't too soon.

She knew it would happen as God spoke.

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