Author's Note

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Oh, my word

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Oh, my word.

Haven is over.

This has truly been a delight! So delightful!

Andrew and Isabella Quinn have been with me for three and a half months now. Wow. Now, I say goodbye to them.

I loved the way Abba had me write the Epilogue. It wasn't a chapter that rushed the ending as if their story ends now.

Clearly, they're fictional characters, but this story has been so authentic I wanted an ending to match.

You get to know their story continues with God's faithfulness.

I'm so in love with Andrew and Isabella's love story.

They were grounded in Christ, and everything that flowed from them came from Him. His love was everywhere. He is the air they breathe. He is the epicenter. He is the atmosphere. He is everywhere.

I loved how Andrew could recall something, like the day he saw her, and it related to his past desire.

That was not preplanned. I didn't write anything to refer to it later. Abba did that, and He did it perfectly.

Nothing felt forced.

Isabella recalled the day Andrew read Job on the back porch. I didn't think that was something she admired about him, but Abba did.

I'm trying to highlight how I believed something to be unintentional, and Abba changed my perspective and made it purposeful.

This entire story is God's intentionality and my compliance to just let it be, let it flow, and let go of how I think things should be.

Before God gave me this story, I struggled to find something to write about.

I had Monet. Monet got changed like four times before I scrapped it.

But one day, someone told me to let God write my story. I took it in the way of writing and my life.

The day He gave me this story, I was sitting outside by the lake, and it happened suddenly.

Everything came together as I allowed Abba to take the pen.

Down to choosing face claims for Andrew and Isabella!

I knew I wanted Tom Hardy. He was the perfect man to be Andrew. It took me a while to find Duckie Thot, but when I did, a problem came up.

She's taller than Tom Hardy.

My imagination refused to let me forget it. Y'all already know how tall I make my leading men. 6'2 and up.

Tom Hardy is 5'8. Abba told me to keep it that way.

It was the only thing I fought with Him about. I didn't want that. I couldn't do it. Duckie Thot is 5'9. It just wouldn't work.

And then, I remembered. Let Him write the story!

I didn't see an issue with it anymore. I understood that Abba knew better, and I was ready to take on a twist. A shorter husband, only by an inch.

It was exciting to write about how Andrew admired Isabella's height. He didn't mind. Neither did she. She loved her husband, and nothing could sway her.

I laugh at myself now for not wanting to keep their actual heights.

Anywho, Haven, Haven, Haven.

The sweetest story I've ever written.

I'm happy to end it.

It was a beautiful process and journey to the Epilogue.

I can say my faith is entirely stronger and deeper than it was at the beginning. Abba walked me through some faith-fueling feats, and I loved every second of it because He was with me.

It wasn't easy. But it was wonderful.

That's why I love Haven.

As Andrew walked through hard times, he had God. As Isabella faced an awful marriage, she trusted God.

And they listened.🤭

They listened to God! Immediately, fruit followed their obedience.

God does these things. God is amazing. God speaks. God listens. God loves. God brings. God takes away. God prompts our hearts to seek Him and ask Him for the desires of our hearts.

Andrew and Isabella are fictional, but their faith isn't.

Cling to God, and He will keep you. (Psalm 63:8)

Seek Him, and He will answer. (Psalm 34:4)

Call to Him, and He will show you great and mighty things. (Jeremiah 33:3)

Listen. His sheep know His voice. (John 10:27)

Anywho, I've really loved this so very much.

I love you all dearly, and I hope and pray this story has blessed you!

I don't know when I'll write another story.

The storytelling is in Abba's hands!

I love you all.💗

I love Haven.🕊️

I love Andrew and Isabella.🥹

And I love my Lord!🤍

See ya!👋🏽

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