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“The heart of a father is the masterpiece of nature.” – Unknown

Arnav was in rage, he trust this man a lot. He betrayed him. Khushi… How can he explain this situation to her? That she’s pregnant but the father is not him.

Arnav pushed Rathore on the floor and start to strangle him. His tears were falling down, he failed to protect her.. He pushed her to his enemy and she was used in name of REVENGE.

“You blood BASTARD! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?! TO HER? If it’s REVENGE that you wanted why you did kill me?”

Rathore didn’t struggle, didn’t even fight he just stayed numb. Pregnant? Khushi? She is pregnant with his child?

Rahul and Akash pulled Arnav backing, releasing gasping Rathore.

Nani gasped seeing the them and shouted.

“Chote what are you doing? That is you brother!”

“Shut up Nani! You all don’t know anything ! Nothing! He is.. The one Khushi was with for 3 years. ” They all gasped.

Rathore looked at Arnav, could his brother accept the fact that his love lady is actually was in love with him Raghuvendra Pratap Rathore? Because of amnesia? Even himself can’t tolerate the fact she is now loves Arnav. The proudful ASR will hurt Khushi again.

He decided to sacrifice himself.

“Haan, this for Revenge.. I used her to my pleasure. ” He lied, he felt tears falling out of his eyes. He is willing to take blame, she is innocent. Don’t blame her Arnav like you always do hurt her..

Three years they stay together, first year he kept his distance from her. Second year he realised she is not actually Tapasya… He decided to let her go but she wasn’t ready to leave. She said she would be with him only… Or she will die.. So he investigated her past that linked to Arnav. Finding out that she was abandoned by Arnav, just like Tapasya abandoned him. Abandoned by name of love.

And they thought Tapasya is Khushi and did her funeral.

He wanted told Khushi about about her past which is she wasn’t really isn’t interested in.

“I am Tapasya.. Your wife.. Don’t leave me. Please Raghu..I don’t want to know anything about someone who abandoned me.” He could not do anything not when she whispered his first name.

They got remarried last year following rituals to satisfy her and now they register their marriage.

6 months ago he was diagnosed with a brain tumor with minimal rate of survival. He requested divorce from her which she refused.

“Don’t do this dear.. Please move on with someone you actually love, not mirage like me who will die soon.” He plead her.

“I can’t. I love you.. Please don’t .. Say such.. Thing. I won’t let you to die.. Ah.. ” She sobs softly hugging him. Totally broken.

“Darling you got a wonderful family there waiting for you.. I even investigate about Arnav.. He changed a lot no longer arrogant. And he still loves you only.. Please forget about me..” He cupped her face.

“I don’t know anyone but you.. I don’t want anyone but you..” She cried.. Screamed at him.

“They are very bad to you.. They are the reason you’re all alone Rathore..”She told him nodding no.

“They are all nice people.. I don’t hate them. This is the life god had given me. I never resent anyone for it. I wanted to keep you an angel all to myself and not giving you back to your family. Maybe that’s why God wants us to separate..” He patted her back and caressing her face.

Life moves on.. Doesn't it Arnavji? (completed) Where stories live. Discover now