Sometimes All One Needs Is Time

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When the mice arrived at the factory, they stepped off their bikes and Throttle signed to them that he wanted to assess the situation first before they would dive in guns blazing.
Modo aimed his bionic arm and used the laser to burn a hole in the wall.
Carefully, three pairs of eyes peeked inside.
The first thing that caught their attention was the tank-ish vehicle, decorated with a huge drill.
Karbunkle and Limburger stood next to it, looking as small as ants compared to the big machine.
And then there was the mayor.
Tied up, yes, but next to agitated, he seemed fine, which was a huge relief for the guys.
Next to him stood a rat, which was enough for Modo's eyes to glow red due to his deep-rooted hatred for rats.

Oblivious to their presence, Karbunkle clapped his hands, looking very excited, which only meant bad news on the mice's behalf.
"This is it, you cheesiness. The digging machine. With the stolen diamonds as its teeth, it can chew through anything!"
"Impressive", Limburger nodded, though he looked everything but impressed.
"But is it big enough?"
"Oh, yes. Big enough to stripmine all of Chicago in a single day!"
Now Limburger's face did light up.
"Say farewell to Chicago, gentlemen. Because by this time tomorrow, the windy city will be gone... with the wind! Muhahaha!"

The mice shared a worried look.
"We need to stop him. Let's get the bikes", Throttle ordered.
And so it happened.
Once they crashed through the wall to make their usual heroic entrance, everyone was already inside the machine.
Even more so, the engine was already running, roaring like a mighty lion.
"Hold the train, Limburger!", Throttle yelled while they skidded to a halt in front of the enormous digging machine.
"You're not gonna destroy Chicago if we can help it!", Vinnie added between gritted teeth, pointing a finger at the glass windows of the cockpit.

After opening one of the windows at the side, Limburger popped his head out.
"You operate under a big misconception. You see, you are not gonna be able to stop me, you repulsive rodents!"
"Hey!", they heard a voice protesting from somewhere behind Limburger, and given the fat man's threat, it could only be the rat who was speaking.
The Plutarkian turned his head to look at him with a small smile.
"Ahum. Present company excluded, of course."

Limburger smiled and focussed his attention back on the mice, but this time while aiming a gun at their head.
Already knowing what was next, the three Martians quickly bolted, but that didn't stop Limburger from opening fire, if only to mess with them, for he was one to leave the dirty work to his employees.
"Finish them off!", he, indeed, yelled and as always, the goons seemed to come out of nowhere.
The mice drove into one of the many hallways this building had to offer, the goons following suit while firing at them.
"Man, these guys are a pain in my tail", Throttle grumbled, slightly annoyed.
"Let's throw 'em for a loop", Modo suggested, and they all three fired their jets.
They steered their bikes up the wall, and once upside down, they drove back via the ceiling.
"Aaaaooww, not bad! The baddest!", Vinnie cheered happily.

When they reached the goons, who were now under them and highly confused by this sudden plot twist, they let go of their handlebars to pull the misfits out of their buggies by their shoulders.
After dumping them in the dumpsters that miraculously appeared at the end of the hallway, they made their way back to the ground.
"Well, they certainly look at home there", Vinnie snickered, glancing over his shoulder with a big smile plastered on his face.
But that smile vanished as soon as they rode back into the same room as where they came in, for the machine was gone.
All there was left behind was the biggest molehill they had ever seen.

"Man, I've got the stinking feeling Limburger is more underfoot than ever", the tan-furred mouse muttered, staring at the big hole as the ground underneath his feet trembled.
"And he has the mayor with him", Modo growled, shaking his head angrily.
Throttle took a deep breath as he rubbed his chin.
"We can't follow him, he's too fast..."
"We can take the short cut?", Modo suggested.
Both Vinnie and Throttle shot him a quizzical look and the grey-furred giant flashed them a meaningful smile.
"The subway system."
Throttle's face lit up.
"Great idea, big fella! Let's ride!"

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