Mucho Macho Martian Thunder Madness

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After what felt like an eternity, Vinnie finally spotted the bottom of the crater, and he sat upright on his beloved bike.
"I'm here, sweetheart", he said quietly into the radio as he gazed up, but all he saw was that never-ending darkness that seemed to define this awful place.

"Copy that."

Shortly after the tires made contact with the ground, the cable stopped and a smile curled his lips.
"Excellent timing, babe", and with a somewhat ominous click, he detached the cable.
Stretching his very tense muscles, Vinnie took a quick yet thorough look around him, but again, there was only darkness, which was good because it meant he still had the element of surprise.
Perhaps that wasn't his usual style, but for now, it was for the best that he remained undiscovered, at least until he found out where his bros were.
Time to get to it, then.
When he reached for his handlebars, he noticed that his hands were slightly shaking, telling him that his blood pressure was starting to rise.
All he needed was a proper dose of good ol' adrenaline to get this done, and as his body prepared itself for chaos, panic, and disaster, Vinnie revved his bike and drove into the quiet dark.

After driving for a while in total silence, his keen eye suddenly spotted a light in the distance.
When he came closer, he soon recognized the building as a bar, and the left corner of his mouth twitched.
Cool .
Just what he needed.
Surely someone here would be able to tell him where his bros were.
And if not, well...
Then it was time to show them his charmingly persuasive personality.
No limits this time.
He parked his bike close to the building and pulled off his helmet.
After carefully draping the bandana over his snout, he flattened his ears and put the hoodie over his head.
For now, even though he didn't like it, he still needed to keep a low profile.
His tail coiled around his leg, making it therefore harder to spot and after taking a deep breath, Vinnie stepped into the bar.
The door slammed shut behind him with a loud bang, and everyone present stopped what they were doing to look at him.
So much for a low profile, hehe.
Yeah, well.
Stealth had never been his strong suit.

After pulling the hoodie a bit further over his head, he strolled to the bar with his hands in his pockets, the paragon of innocence.
"A rootbeer, sweetheart", he ordered as he glanced at the girl behind the bar from under his lashes.
She was pretty, but not as pretty as Kiwi...
Now wasn't the time to get distracted.
His bros counted on him, which was enough for him to get his focus back.
As he was waiting for his drink, he suddenly felt a soft gust of wind pulling his clothes and his red eyes darted to the mirror hanging on the wall across him, knowing all too well what this small yet significant signal meant.
And indeed, someone was standing behind him, someone who took the definition of 'build like a castle' to a whole other level, for the guy was huge, and even that was an understatement.
He looked kind of angry, too.
It wasn't really that hard to guess what his intentions were, and Vinnie flexed his muscles as he too prepared himself for a fight.
The smile that appeared on his face was carefully hidden behind the bandana, which was good because he had every intention of waiting for the guy to make the first move.
Thankfully, that didn't take long.

"Wooow, a two-fisted rootbeer drinking man, huh? Hey, you sure yous wouldn't rather have a pink lemonade?", the guy rumbled from behind him with a somewhat nasal voice, obviously, he was trying to provoke Vinnie.
And it worked.
Of course it did.
After all, there wasn't really much needed to provoke the white-furred youngster, and his blood started to boil the moment he heard the patronizing tone of the man.
Still, hothead or not, Vinnie wasn't stupid, although others out there would claim otherwise, but that was just a whole other story.
Though his hands were itching to wipe that awfully smug smile off the guy's face, Vinnie managed to stay calm on the outside as he glanced over his shoulder.
"Are you talking to me, sweetheart?"
It was beyond crazy how he succeeded in sounding so innocent and calm, and he gave himself an inward 'Attaboy'.
The thug behind him wasn't really impressed though, and he looked over his shoulder before he pointed his behind-glasses-hidden eyes at Vinnie again.
"Well, let's see... I don't see nobody else, so yeah, I must be talking to you."
Still smirking behind his bandana, although it became a bit more of an ominous smile, Vinnie grabbed the rootbeer that the female bartender had put in front of him during this conversation which was hardly a conversation and he raised his eyes to look at the man via the mirror.
"Well, I wish you wouldn't. I think there's something dying in your mouth, man. Your breath is disgusting", Vinnie chuckled darkly, bracing himself, for he knew the guy wouldn't appreciate him telling this, which was the whole idea, of course.

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