Macho Mice And Their Bike

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"Okay, you guys. You can use the garage to tune the bikes. But please, don't..."
"Touch the other bikes. We got it, sweetheart", Vinnie cut her off, flashing her one of those charming smiles of his.
After the numerous fights they had since they had set foot on Earth, the one with the Loogie Brothers now weeks ago, the bikes were in desperate need of a pitstop.
And thus, they had finally mustered up the courage to ask Kiwi, for they had no idea how she would react to this question, since the bikes in the garage, or well, actually the entire garage was obviously very dear to her.
"Right. And clean up after you're done...", but the mice were already inside the garage with their beloved rides and Kiwi shook her head with a smile.
After that day, when she had told them about her parents, they had never spoken of it again.
Something she was fine with.
She wasn't ready to talk about it, not yet.
But at least they knew now.
For now, that was all that mattered.
After following them inside, Kiwi took place behind the desk in the corner and made herself comfortable.
With one finger resting on her lips, she observed the mice while they were working on their impressive rides, and one thing soon became very clear — they all loved their bike, but Modo took the cake, for he absolutely adored it.
As he was doing whatever he was doing, he kept talking to the vehicle and the cutest thing ever was that the thing beeped back.
It was adorable, honestly, but Kiwi kept that thought to herself, for adorable wasn't what the mice like to be called.

Still smiling, she grabbed her phone and scrolled through the news.
It had become some sort of unspoken custom that she would keep an eye on the news in case Limburger was up to something, but ever since the Loogie Brothers, they hadn't heard from him.
His tower was rebuilt, so it probably wouldn't take long before he...
Hey, wait a minute...
She opened an article that was about some shady experiment with sleeping gas in the prison nearby Chicago.
But due to lack of money, it was canceled and tonight, it would be transferred back to the lab.
It was a long shot, maybe, but still...
"Hey, Throttle? Look at this..."
She gave Throttle her phone and he read the article with a frown on his face.
"Hmmm... Maybe we should check it out. Thanks, Kiwi", and he gave her the phone back.
"Bro's, make sure the bikes are ready, because we have guard duty tonight."


Three ropes shot out of the back of their bikes and the grappling hooks hooked into a rock.
"Bro's... This is not what I consider being on guard...", Throttle sighed.
The mice were sitting on their bikes close by the prison, but, easily bored as he was, Vinnie had suggested playing a little game to kill the time.
"Ahhh, lighten up, Throttle. We're still watching the harmony", Vinnie waved his leader's protest away.
"Yeah, we just have a little contest while we're at it", Modo added.
Vinnie winked at his grey-furred bro, knowing exactly what to say to convince their leader.
"But of course, if you think your bike can't handle it...?"
Throttle almost fell off his bike and he shot his young bro a deadly glare.
"Handle it? My bike? Right... You're just worried about that tin can of yours, hotshot. First one at the big tree wins", he said determinately, pointing at the tree a few meters away.
Modo and Vinnie high-fived.
"On three", Vinnie grinned, revving his bike.
"Come on, Lil' Hoss. Do it like I know you can", Modo told his bike lovingly as he patted the crankcase.
"One... two... threeee!", Vinnie cheered and they opened the gas.

Slowly yet steadily, they moved towards the big tree, the bikes having a pretty hard job with towing the big pieces of junk.
"Come on, Lil' Hoss... Come on..."
Despite Vinnie's bike being the fastest, it was Modo who finished first.
"Yeeehaaaa!", he rumbled.
"You did it!"
"Nahhh, your big behind gives you traction", Throttle muttered disappointedly, though with a smile on his face.
Modo shook his head.
"Nope. All the credits goes to my sweet darling over here", and he patted his bike like a proud father.
A loud siren split the heavens, and they all three looked up alarmed.
"Wow, what's that?", Modo grumbled, his one eye narrowed due to the high tones that almost made his ears bleed.
Vinnie pointed up.
"It's Karbunkle!"
And indeed, it was Limburger's mad scientist that flew away from the prison using a jetpack and having a canister in his gloved hands.
Throttle closed his visor.
"Kiwi was right. Limburger wanted that gas. Cut loose, bro's. Let's ROCK..."
"...and RIDE!" and they followed Karbunkle back to the city.

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