And Then There Was Only One

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Kiwi parked her car close to the Meatpackers Bank, and after turning off the engine, she heaved a sigh and checked herself in the mirror.
She looked tired.
Correction; she was tired.
Even beyond that.
She hadn't really slept well last night, or any night for that matter.
Those damn nightmares...
It made sense, though.
She had been practicing with Vinnie's bike almost every day now, and although she was making progress, it didn't stop the nightmares from haunting her sorry ass every night.
And now, she needed to go to her monthly appointment at the bank.
After pinching her cheeks to get some color on them, she stepped out of the car and strolled to the bank.
A big yawn escaped her mouth as she opened the door, she just couldn't suppress it, no matter how badly she wanted to.
The one good thing was that the bank was air-conditioned, which was very welcome at this point, simply because it was summer in Chicago and it was hot.
The not-so-fresh but still cool air immediately made her feel a little better until she saw the long line for the counter, that is.

She closed in the back while heaving an excessively loud sigh to vent some of her annoyance, yielding her some agitated looks from the people standing in line, but she ignored them and just stared at a spot near her feet as another yawn made its way out.
Five minutes passed in total silence, but then, a loud explosion behind her made her almost jump out of her skin.
However, there was no time to react, for the giant shockwave knocked her down.
Her head slammed against the wall, and for a moment, the whole world spun around her, making her unable to move.
Perhaps it shouldn't surprise her anymore that she couldn't even stay out of trouble for longer than five minutes, then again, it wasn't that she actually wanted to be in these kinds of situations.
And yet, here she was, lying on the floor of the bank, catching her breath as a massive headache made her almost look cross-eyed.
This was not her idea of having a good time.
However, her curiosity won from the sudden urge to just close her eyes, and she raised her head, looking around her a bit dazed, only to see four men standing in the hole they just blew in the wall.
Four heavily armed men, to be exact.
This day just kept getting better and better.

"This is a robbery! Everyone on the floor!", one of them yelled with a raw voice, and when some people didn't respond quickly enough for his taste, he fired the heavy-looking weapon in his hand.
Bullets flew around her Kiwi's ears, and she quickly made herself as flat as possible, her heart almost jumping out of her chest.
Holy shit.
So much for boring.
Time to call for reinforcement, and she slowly reached into her pocket, keeping a close eye on the robbers, who were still busy scaring the shit out of the rest of the people to make sure they would do as they said.
Her trembling fingers enclosed her cell phone, and she pushed the small button on the side five times, thereby activating the special app she had programmed on her phone a few weeks back.
It had been Throttle's idea, actually.
To have some sort of alarm system that she could use when she would get into trouble and they weren't around, and so she made one.
All she had to do was push the button five times, and an alarm would go off in both the house and guesthouse.
To make the whole thing complete, it also sent a distress signal to their bikes in case they were on the road.
Luckily, she was good with computers.
Just when she laid her hand back on the cold floor, one of the robbers looked in her direction, and she let out her breath.
Just in time.
Now it was up to the mice.

Thankfully, she didn't have to wait very long.
As always, her furry friends had impeccable timing and even before the robbers had the chance to get to the money, the window from the bank shattered.
Three bikes soared inside, and the mice jumped off midair.
Throttle punched one goon in the face while landing whilst Vinnie whirled his tail around the second one and just threw him away as if the guy was nothing but a crumpled can of soda.
Modo took care of the third, and they all three made their way over to the last man standing.
"Well, let's make this short and sweet, bro's", Throttle snickered, cracking his knuckles, but the thug wasn't planning on making things easy for the mice.
With gritted teeth, he aimed something at them that looked a lot like a flamethrower -where the hell did that thing come from?!- and before the mice knew it, a huge flame almost burned the hair off their faces.
They quickly leaped out of the way, but when Vinnie landed on his stomach, he felt a sharp sting in his tail.
He glanced over his shoulder, only to see that the tip was on fire and after grabbing his beloved tail, he quickly blew out the flames with a somewhat sheepish smile on his face.
"Waaaooow, toasty!"
"Yeah, warm, but not burned. Modo, lights out!", Throttle ordered from beside him.
The grey-furred giant raised his bionic arm and took a shot at the chandelier on the ceiling.
Not up to such power, the chain broke and the whole thing landed on top of the entire group of robbers, knocking the bazooka out of the hands of one of them.
Kiwi's eyes grew big when she saw the deadly weapon coming straight toward her, and she quickly caught it before it would knock her teeth out.
She stared at the powerful weapon in her hands, deeply impressed even though she knew she really shouldn't be.
Heavy shit.

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