Some Days The Demons Are Just Too Loud

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"Greasepit! Be careful, you misfit!", Karbunkle roared as he helplessly watched his oily colleague trying to keep a hold of an iron box, which proved to be difficult due to his slippery hands.
And, as it was no surprise, he failed and the box flew out of his hands, only to land on Karbunkle's foot.
The mad scientist let out a scream in pain, hopping on one foot while holding the other.
"Oops", Greasepit said sheepishly, which was enough to make Karbunkle explode out of his skin and he let out a stream of all the curse words he knew.
Greasepit raised his hands in his defense.
"Heyz! Yous the one who's the inventor, I didn't forget the handle..."
"This is a BOMB, not luggage, you barrel of oil spit!", Karbunkle roared, beyond himself with anger while grabbing the big man by his dungarees.

"Well, if it ain't the degenerate duo..."

"Sleeze brain and sludge."

Karbunkle and Greasepit simultaneously turned their heads, only to see the Biker Mice and that irritating woman standing at the entrance of the alley they were currently finding themselves in.
"You boys looking for something?", Kiwi asked, trying very hard not to show how she enjoyed sounding this badass.
"Like... trouble, maybe?", Throttle added, leaning against the wall with his tail swaying back and forth.
He was bummed, to say the least, to run into Limburger's most trusted employees while Kiwi was with them, but this time, it wasn't her fault.
They were just on their way to get lunch, but then, they spotted these two idiots hanging around in an alley, which could only mean trouble.
"Uhm... No! No, we were just on our way to uh... to t-the repair shop!", Karbunkle stuttered, obviously lying and he held up a gloved finger.
"That's it, yes. The repair shop. This idiot got us lost."
He then turned to face Greasepit.
"Now, Greasepit, bring along that uh... toaster oven", and they both turned around to walk away, but Vinnie wasn't having any of it and grabbed Greasepit by his dungarees.
"Hold it. You ain't going anywhere", and he turned the oily goon around.

But instead of being frightened, Greasepit began to laugh, which was the first and only sign that things were about to get complicated.
"Oh, yes, I is... but you ain't!", and he slammed the iron box against Vinnie's chest, thereby pushing him up against the wall.
Four belts with hooks came out of the box and forced themselves into the bricks, making sure that the white-furred mouse, indeed, wasn't going anywhere.
Soft beeping caught his attention, and Vinnie glanced down at the device on his chest.
After blinking a few times, a big grin almost split his face in half when he saw the red numbers steadily counting down the time he had left.
"Waaooww! The top sixty countdown!"
It was at this moment that Throttle and Modo came into action as well.
"Grab 'em!", but before they could, Greasepit and Karbunkle jumped on Greasepit's trike and sped away with shrieking tires.
"Hey! The bad guys are booking!", Modo exclaimed, severely annoyed and for a moment, he just stood there, watching the two misfits driving away.

"Hey, bro's! I've got something kind of explosive I'd like to get off my chest!"
His bro's turned around when they heard Vinnie's high-pitched voice, somewhat alarmed by the urgent tone.
Kiwi was pulling on the device on Vinnie's chest with all her strength, but the thing didn't move, not even so much as an inch and she shot Throttle a desperate look, fear whirling in her blue eyes like a vortex.
"We've got less than a minute to get this off of him!"
"Or Vinnie gets a one way ticket back to Mars...", Throttle stated the obvious, like he always did and he grabbed Modo.
"Come on, we need the bikes. Kiwi, try to stop that thing!"
Kiwi gawked at him, her lower jaw practically resting on the dirty floor.
"What? But... how?"
"You'll figure something out. Just do it!", and the two Martians took off.
They just took off, leaving her behind to deal with a situation she had no idea how to deal with in the first place.

Softly cursing under her breath, she took a closer look at the bomb in the hope to find something that would help get this thing off of Vinnie.
As she tried to control her rapid breathing, her gaze soon landed on four tiny screws.
Think, Kiwi, think.
What would they do in a movie?
Screw the damn thing open and cut some wires, that's what.
She snatched her set of keys out of her pocket and used the tiny key from her diary to open the box, which was a challenge, to say the least, with her hands shaking the way they did.
Goddammit, she was going to lose it.
"I really have no idea what I'm doing, Vinnie", she breathed, completely panicked.
Something coiled around her leg, something she knew had to be his tail and although it wasn't enough for her to calm down, the kindness behind the gesture made her able to get the screws out and Vinnie stretched his neck so he could take a look at what was inside the box.
"You've got something to cut the wires with?", he asked with twitching ears.
Shit, he sounded way too calm.
Why was he so calm?

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