The Impossible Planet

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The Artist was in the TARDIS wardrobe looking for a new leather jacket to replace the one ruined by the Wire. After mooching through several racks, she found one she liked. It was similar to her previous one, but a little bit more form-fitting. She tried it on and was just checking her reflection in the mirrors when she heard the Doctor's voice calling her telepathically; "I need ya help. The TARDIS is trying to land somewhere, but she's having trouble. Could ya come and give me a hand?"

"Alright, I'm on my way." the Artist answered and rushed off to the console room to help the Doctor.


With both Time Lords at the controls, the TARDIS materialised inside a cramped industrial area, but the landing was far from smooth. The box groaned and wheezed as if she found it difficult. Once she'd finally settled, the Time Lords and Rose stepped out and looked at the TARDIS. "I dunno what's wrong with her." the Doctor muttered, "She's sorta... queasy. Indigestion."

"Yeah, it was like she didn't wanna land here." the Artist agreed.

"Well, if you two think there's gonna be trouble, we could always get back inside and go somewhere else." Rose suggested, then she and the Doctor burst out laughing as if that notion was ridiculous.

The Artist didn't share their amusement. "Don't get cocky, you two." she said seriously, "If the TARDIS didn't wanna land here, then there's obviously a good reason for it. We should tread carefully."

"Fair enough." the Doctor shrugged, then looked at their surroundings. "I think we've landed in a cupboard." he observed, "Here we go." He pushed a door open, which prompted a computer voice to announce; 'Open door 15', then the trio found themselves in a corridor. "Some sorta base." the Doctor observed, "Moon base, sea base, space base... they build these things out of kits."

"Glad we're indoors." Rose remarked, listening to the wind howling outside, "Sounds like a storm out there."

The Doctor opened another door, which according to the computer voice was door 16, then they walked into another corridor. "Human design, you've got a thing about kits." the Doctor commented.

"So do you." the Artist countered, "You've got all those model kits."

"Touché." the Doctor conceded, "Anyway, this place was put together like a flat-pack wardrobe, only bigger. And easier." They opened another door, door 17 according to the computer voice, and found themselves in a canteen area. "Oh, it's a sanctuary base!" the Doctor grinned.

"Deep space exploration." the Artist nodded, "At a guess, 42nd century. And listen, can ya hear that?" she asked the Doctor.

The Doctor listened and heard a faint humming sound coming from beneath their feet. "Yeah, sounds like someone's drilling." he observed.

"Welcome to hell." Rose said, looking at something nearby.

"Oh, it's not that bad." the Doctor snorted.

"No, over there!" Rose laughed, pointing to a wall, which had the words 'Welcome to Hell' scrawled on it, with ancient symbols written underneath.

"Hold on, what does it say?" the Doctor frowned as he and the Artist went over to the wall for a closer look.

"That's odd, it's not translating." the Artist frowned.

"But I fought the TARDIS translated anything, writing as well." Rose said, "We should be seeing English."

"Exactly." the Doctor confirmed, "If that's not working, then it means... this writing is old. Very old. Impossibly old."

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