The Satan Pit

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The three Ood continued to advance on John, the Artist, Rose and the guard. "Open fire!" John ordered and he and the guard fired their rifles at the Ood, while the Artist and Rose crouched to avoid the shrapnel.


The shaking lessened slightly in the control room. "We're stabilising." Zach breathed in relief as the overhead window closed, "We've got orbit."


Once the Ood on the exploration deck had been dealt with, Rose grabbed the comm. "Doctor?" she called urgently, "Doctor, can ya hear me? Doctor, Ida, are ya there?" She received no answer, just the hiss of static.

"Open door 25." the computer announced, and John and the guard spun round with their guns raised, ready for whatever would come through the door. Fortunately, it was only Danny.

"It's me!" he panted, "But they're coming." He sealed the door behind him.

"The Ood?" the Artist questioned, noticing that Danny was alone. She knew that the male guard had been with him in Ood habitation, so it was pretty obvious what had happened.

"They've gone mad." Danny confirmed.

"How many of them?" John asked.

"All of them!" Danny panted, "All fifty!"

"Just as I feared." the Artist said grimly.

John approached the door. "Danny, get out of the way." Danny didn't move, so John shoved him aside. "Out the way!"

"But they're armed!" Danny protested, "It's the interface device. I don't know how, but they're using it as a weapon."

John wasn't listening and began to open the door. "No, wait!" the Artist warned, but it was too late. John opened the door to reveal possessed Ood on the other side. One of them immediately advanced, sticking it's communication orb against the female guard's forehead, fatally electrocuting her. John responded by opening fire on the Ood, forcing them back and allowing the Artist to slam the door shut and lock it.


Zach had decided to head down to help. He closed door one and began to run down the corridor, but skidded to a halt as he saw the Ood advancing from the other end so he went back the way he came. Once back in the control room, he pressed some buttons on a control panel mounted on the wall. "Lockdown, seal door one." he said.

"Lockdown door one." the computer acknowledged.

Zach went back to the control console, a babble of frantic voices sounding over the comm. "John, what's happening down there?" he asked.


"I've got very little ammunition sir." John said into his wrist comm, "How about you?"

"All I've got is a bolt gun." Zach replied, "With uh... all of one bolt. I could take out a grand total of one Ood. Fat lot of good that is."

"Given the emergency, I'd recommend strategy nine." John advised.

"Strategy nine agreed." a defeated Zach said, "Right, we need to get everyone together. Artist, what about Ida and the Doctor? Any word?"

"Not a peep." the Artist replied, "We're gonna keep trying, though."

Just then, the communicator crackled and the Doctor's voice came through; "No need! Sorry, we're fine. Still here!"

A relieved Rose took the comm. "You could've said, you stupid b..." She was cut off by feedback squeal.

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