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A young blonde woman climbed over some gates and walked towards an old run-down mansion house on a dark, windy night. She kicked down the planks barricading a window and made her way inside, then she began looking around by torchlight, taking photos here and there.

Soon, her attention was caught by a peeling bit of wallpaper. There appeared to be writing on the wall underneath. The woman peeled more of the wallpaper aside to see the word 'Beware' painted on the wall. Wandering if there was any more writing, she pulled off some of the paper below to find the words 'The Weeping Angel' painted there. More paper was pull off to reveal; 'Oh, and duck!' painted on too. The woman pulled more paper off to reveal the words; 'No, really, duck, Sally Sparrow!' the woman's eyes widened at seeing her name there. She pulled more paper off to see 'Duck, now!' painted on the wall. She ducked and something came flying through the window and smashed against the wall.

Sally picked herself up to see a rock lying where she'd just been standing and she looked out of the window to see if anyone was there. All she could see was a stone statue of an angel weeping. She turned back to the wall and pulled more paper off to see the words; 'Love from the Doctor, the Artist and Martha (1969)' painted on there, though in a different colour paint and in different handwriting, as if someone else had painted it. Sally could only stare in disbelief.


Having seen enough, Sally went to the house where her friend Kathy Nightingale lived. "Kathy?" Sally called out, receiving no answer. Her attention was caught by a voice on the telly.

On the screen was a brown-haired man in a brown suit. "Your life could depend on this." the man was saying, "Don't blink! Don't even blink! Blink, and you're dead!"

Then came a woman's voice; "They're fast, faster than you can believe." And Sally could see that the man on the screen had been joined by a lovely young brunette woman in a black leather jacket. "Don't turn your back." the woman said in a warning voice, "Don't look away, and whatever you do, don't blink!"

"Good luck." the man finished, and the video ended.

Sally entered the living room to find more screens, all with the man on them. The brunette woman was with him in some and on one, the man was accompanied by a lovely young black woman.

Sally went in the kitchen and put the kettle on. While she was waiting for it to boil, she dialled Kathy's mobile. "Hello?" a groggy Kathy answered.

"Bit freaked, need to talk. Making you a coffee." Sally told her.

"Sally Sparrow, it's ONE in the morning!" Kathy grumbled, "You think I'm coming round at one in the morning?"

"No." Sally answered, "I'm in the kitchen. What's that on all those screens in your front room?"

"Oh, God." Kathy huffed, then suddenly sounded panicked; "Oh, God! Sally, you've met my brother Larry haven't you?"


"You're about to."

The door to the kitchen opened and Sally saw a brown-haired man with stubble standing there, completely starkers. "Ok." he mumbled awkwardly, "Not sure, but really, really hoping. Pants?"

"No." an amused Sally shook her head.

"Put them on! Put them on!" a frantic Kathy hissed from down the hall. "I hate you! What were you thinking?!" Larry shuffled away, and Kathy sped into the room. "Sorry." she said to Sally, "My useless brother." She saw Sally looking rather rattled, and not because of the naked man she'd just seen. "Sally, what's wrong? What's happened?"

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