The Runaway Bride

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Donna Noble stood at the end of the aisle of St Mary's Church, Chiswick, ready for her big day. By her side stood her loving father, Geoff, who was ready to proudly walk her down the aisle. Geoff had his arm linked through Donna's rather than the other way round, so Donna swapped their positions with a slight cough. "Sorry." Geoff mumbled.

The organ began to play The Wedding March and Donna sighed happily as they began their walk. The congregation stood as Donna and Geoff entered. Donna's fiancé Lance Bennett caught her eye from the front of the church, and they smiled at each other in anticipation. As Donna made her way down the aisle, her friends and family made sounds of appreciation, all except Donna's frenemy Nerys, who scowled.

Donna and Geoff were halfway down the aisle when it happened. Donna began to glow gold, causing Lance's eyes to widen. It took Donna a moment to notice, but when she did, she screamed long and loud. The congregation members all muttered in alarm and bewilderment as the bride disappeared in a puff of golden dust, which zoomed upwards and out through an open window.


The TARDIS was in orbit around a supernova as the golden dust flew straight through the walls and reassembled itself in the form of Donna inside the console room. The Doctor looked up from the console in alarm. "What?" he blinked in surprise.

Donna spun round to face him. "Who're you?" she gaped in surprise.

"What?" was all a dumbfounded Doctor could say.

"Where am I?" a confused Donna asked, looking around the strange room.


"What the hell is this place?!" Donna demanded, starting to get angry.

"What?!" the Doctor repeated one last time.

"Where the hell did she pop up from?" the Artist muttered, getting up and checking the monitor to try and find out.

A bewildered Doctor continued to stare at Donna in disbelief. "Ya can't do that, I wasn't..." he babbled, "We're in flight! That is... that is physically impossible! How did...?"

"Tell me where I am." Donna cut in commandingly, "I demand you tell me right now, where am I?!"

"Inside the TARDIS." the Doctor replied, still staring at her.

"The what?"


"The what?

"The TARDIS!" the Doctor repeated again, moving to join the Artist at the console.

"The what?!" Donna pushed.

"She's called the TARDIS."

"That's not even a proper word!" Donna snapped, "Ya just saying things!"

"No, that's really what she's called." the Artist tried to pacify her.

"How did you get in here?" the Doctor questioned.

"Well, obviously when you kidnapped me!" Donna answered back, rigid with rage, "Who was it? Who's paying you? Was it Nerys? Oh, my god, she's finally got me back. This has got Nerys written all over it!"

"Who the hell is Nerys?" the Doctor frowned in utter confusion.

"Your best friend." Donna retorted.

The Doctor then noticed that Donna was wearing a wedding dress. "Hold on, wait a minute... what're ya dressed like that for?"

The Artist facepalmed. The Doctor was a genius most of time, but sometimes he could as thick as two short planks.

Donna shared that sentiment. "I'm going ten pin bowling." she said sarcastically, then yelled loudly; "Whadya think, dumbo?! I was halfway up the aisle! I've been waiting all my life for this! I was just seconds away! And then you... I dunno, you drugged me or something!"

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