Smith and Jones

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23-year old medical student Martha Jones walked cheerfully along the street on her way to work. Suddenly, her phone rang and she saw that the call was from her younger sister Tish. "You're up early." Martha said, "What's happening?"

"It's a nightmare, cos' dad won't listen, and mum is going mental." Tish moaned, "Swear to god, Martha, this is epic. You've gotta get in there and stop him."

"How do I do that?" Martha questioned. Lately, it seemed that the whole family was turning to her to play peacemaker. Their dad, Clive, had recently left his wife, Francine, for some tart called Annalise, which caused a lot of friction in the family, which Martha had to try and ease out.

"Tell dad he can't bring her." Tish replied.

Just then, Martha's phone bleeped, indicating that another call was on the line. She checked the screen to see that it was the youngest Jones sibling, Leo. "Hold on, that's Leo. I'll call ya back." Martha said to Tish, then answered Leo's call.

"Martha, if mum and dad start to kick off, tell 'em I don't even want a party." Leo said, "I didn't even ask for one. They can always give me the money instead."

"Yeah, well, why do I have to tell them?" Martha huffed, "Why can't you?" But before Leo could answer, Martha's phone bleeped again. Her screen showed that this call was from her mother. "Hold on, that's mum. I'll call ya back." She answered her mother's call.

"I don't mind your father making a fool of himself in private." Francine grumbled, "But this is Leo's 21st. Everyone is going to be there, and the entire family is going to look ridiculous."

"Mum, it's a party." Martha sighed, "I can't stop dad from bringing his girlfriend." And in a case of talk of the devil, her phone bleeped yet again, this time it was her dad. "Hold on, that's dad. I'll call ya back." She answered her father's call.

"Martha? Now tell ya mother, Leo is my son. And I'm paying for half that party." Clive said, "I'm entitled to bring who I like."

"I know, but think what's it gonna look like for mum if you're standing there with Annalise?" Martha reasoned.

"What's wrong with Annalise?" Clive huffed.

At that moment, Martha heard the nasally, air-headed voice of Annalise; "Is that Martha? Say hi. Hi, Martha, hi!"

"Hi, Annalise." Martha rolled her eyes. If she was being honest, neither she nor her siblings could stand the woman. Annalise was a spoilt gold digger, only interested in Clive's money. Everyone could see it except Clive, who was too infatuated to see it.

"Big kiss! Lots of love! See you at the party babes." Annalise called into the phone, "Now take me shopping, big boy." That line was clearly meant for Clive. Martha just laughed and hung up. She did not need to hear that!

Suddenly, a man in a brown pinstripe suit and duster stepped in front of her. "Like so!" he said, taking his tie off, "See?" he stuffed the tie into his pocket and walked away. Martha stared after him bemused for a moment, then continued on her way.

She soon reached the Royal Hope Hospital where she worked. She was just walking up to the doors, when a man dressed in black and wearing a biker helmet barged past her. "Oi! Watch it, mate." Martha called after him. He turned to look at her for a moment, his face obscured by his visor, then he walked off inside the building. Martha felt a little unsettled, but shrugged it off and went off inside herself.

She went into the staff locker room, and swapped her denim jacket for a white lab coat. She went to close the locker door, only to receive a static shock. She frowned at that, then tried again, receiving no shock this time.

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