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The Daleks advanced on Rose, Mickey and Rajesh, all chanting; "Exterminate!"

"Daleks!" Rose shouted, and the Daleks fell silent, taken aback. "You're called Daleks." Rose continued, walking towards them and taking her lab coat off, "I know ya name. Think about it: how can I know that? A human... who knows about the Daleks and the Time War. If ya wanna know how, then keep us alive. Me and my friends."

"Yeah, Daleks." Mickey added, "Time War, me too."

"Yeah, and me." Rajesh finished, though he'd never heard of any of those things, but decided to humour the others since they seemed to know about them.

The black Dalek considered them for a moment. "You will be necessary." it told them, and turned to one of the bronze Dalek, "Report: what is the status of the Genesis Ark?"

"Status: hibernation." the bronze Dalek replied.

"Commence awakening." the black Dalek ordered.

"The Genesis Ark must be protected above all else." another of the bronze Daleks stated, and all four of them turned to a sarcophagus-shape object that had been inside the sphere with them. The Daleks clamped their plungers on the object.

"But, the Daleks...Artist said they were all dead." Mickey said quietly to Rose.

"Never mind that, what the hell is a Genesis Ark?" Rose wandered, having a gut feeling that the answer couldn't be good news.


"What's down there?" Jackie asked the Time Lords, "She was in that room with the sphere, What's happened to Rose?"

"We don't know." the Doctor replied grimly, leaning against a wall.

Jackie began to sob, so the Artist put a comforting arm around her. "We'll find her, Jackie." she encouraged, "We brought you both here, we'll get you out of this, both of you. I promise."

"And Artist always keeps her promises." the Doctor added sincerely.

The Cyber-Leader approached Yvonne, who was sat at her desk. "You will talk to your central world authority and order global surrender." it ordered.

"Oh, do some research." Yvonne retorted, "We haven't got a central world authority."

"You have now." the Cyber-Leader said simply, "I will speak on all global wavelengths." It turned to one of the other Cybermen, which activated a camera on it's arm. While the Cybermen were occupied, the Doctor slipped his 3D specs on and looked at the Cybermen closely. "This broadcast is for human kind." the Cyber-Leader announced, "Cybermen now occupy every land mass on this planet. But you need not fear. Cybermen will remove fear. Cybermen will remove sex and class and colour and creed. You will become identical. You will become like us."


Of course, humanity wasn't just going to lie down and let the Cybermen take over without a fight. Soon, the Central London streets became a battle ground as U.N.I.T and the British Army tried bravely to fend the metal monsters off. Those on the top floor of Torchwood Tower had a panoramic view of the mayhem down below. "I ordered surrender." the Cyber-Leader observed.

"They're not taking instructions!" the Doctor retorted angrily, "Don't ya understand?! You're on every street, you're in their homes, you've got their children. Of course they're gonna fight!"

"Yeah, humans pride themselves on their emotions and individuality." the Artist added with spirt, "They'd rather die than become emotionless, soulless tin cans like you!"

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