Chapter 12

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Jayy's POV

I was next to Sean the whole day. We went to the mall to get Sean and I some clothes since the house is still under watch. Sean immediately got the first spongebob thing he saw. I smiled slightly and helped him pick out clothes to buy. I didn't really buy anything except for two pairs of skinny jeans and 3 band tees. Sean got 5 pairs of skinny jeans 4 band tees and 3 beanies. Blake paid for me and Spencer paid for Sean. We walked out of Hot Topic.

"Let's go to the movies." Spencer suggested. Blake and Sean nodded and we walked towards the theater in the mall. We decided to watch Cabin in the woods. I'm a scaredy cat so I'm guaranteed to scream a bit. We walked into the theater and took our seats. The order was Spencer Sean me and Blake. The movie started and I was a bit disgusted. Put some pants on girl! What? I am gay anyways. Later on the movie started getting a bit scary. I hid my face in Blake's shoulder every time I got scared. (I saw the movie yesterday. It's really good but I don't wanna spoil it for anyone who's gonna watch it.) I gripped Sean's hand tight as he laughed at the scary parts. Yes I'm older and Sean's younger but he doesn't get scared easily in horror movies while I 'm on the verge to pissing my pants.

"It's just a movie" Blake whispered in my ear. I calmed a bit and then got scared again at one part. The movie ended. I don't like scary movies but that one was pretty awesome. It was so unpredictable. I stood up from my seat and we walked out of the theater. Sean, Spencer and Blake were talking about how much they liked the movie as I followed them silently. We got into the car and drove off. Blake dropped Sean and Spencer off at Spencer's house. I hugged Sean bye and they left. Blake and I drove back to the apartments silently. Sean and Spencer walked to the apartments so they didn't have to worry about a car. We got to the apartments and parked the car. It looked about 7 in the afternoon. We walked into the the lobby and up to elevator. We got to the room and settled in. 

"Are you hungry?" Blake asked. I nodded. I'm still not going to talk to him. Maybe little words but not full long sentences. He looked at me expecting me to say something. When I didn't he turned and walked away.

"Okay I guess you're not hungry then." he said while walking away. My stomach growled. I'm so hungry.

"Yes please." I managed to squeak out. He turned around and smirked.

"What? I didn't hear you." he said while cuffing his hand around his ear.

"Yes please." I said a bit louder. He smiled.

"Okay." he said and walked to the phone. I heard him ordering something then he hung up. He sat down next to me on the couch and slung his arm around me.

"I ordered pizza if that's okay with you." he said. I nodded. He turned to me and started kissing my neck. Oh no not this again. I pushed him away but he just came back to me. He wrapped his arm around my waist to secure me and started kissing up and down my neck. I whimpered as he sucked on my sweet spot. He kissed up my jaw to my mouth. He kissed me and licked my bottom lip begging for an entrance. I didn't want him doing anything like last time so I let him in. He explored my mouth but I didn't kiss back. He tasted so sweet. His smell overwhelmed me. He is pretty sexy. Maybe I should kiss back. What harm would it do anyways. I slowly kissed back. He smiled and started kissing me more roughly. This is the first time I kissed someone so why not make it last. I kissed back the same way he did and slipped my tongue into his mouth. I didn't know exactly what to do from there but I let my instincts take over. I guess I'm doing pretty well because he moaned on my lips. This felt good. It felt right. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. I wanted him now. I've never liked someone this much brfore. Oh my god. I'm falling for Blake.

Blake's POV

He's kissing back! Yes! He tasted so sweet. I rubbed his back and kissed him hungrily. He smelt good. All of a sudden I needed him. I wanted him. Jayy. Oh that name just sends chills down my back now. Wait a minute. Snap out of it Blake! He's your toy and nothing more. Now all I need to do is get him in bed sooner or later and dump him later. Danny came have him after.

Sean's POV

We got home and set my bags in Spencer's room. It was already 7. My stomach growled. Spencer noticed and laughed. He took his hand in mine and lead me downstairs. I blushed a bit. We walked into the kitchen. He let my hand go. I frowned a bit. I liked it when he held my hand. He took his cell phone out and dialed a number. He ordered some food and hung up. He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I hope you like Chinese food." he whispered in my ear and pecked my nose. He let me go and walked passed me. Oh god that felt amazing. Just having his arms around me like that. The way he whispered in my ear. I turned around and followed him to the living room. He was watching spongebob. Oh my god Spongebob! I ran next to him and plopped down on the couch. I looked at the TV. Spencer laughed and pulled me onto his lap. I didn't care. I'm too interested in Spongebob. When commercials hit I felt a pair of eyes watching me. I looked at Spencer and saw him looking right back at me. We stared into each others eyes for a bit. Our faces just a few inches apart. He slowly leaned in and so did I. Our lips touched for the first time ever. Our lips moved in sync. I tasted his sweet minty breath. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I never knew it until now. I like Spencer.

Spencer's POV

I don't know what took over me. But I leaned into Sean. I smiled when I notice he was leaning in too. We kissed. Sean. He was all I was thinking about today. No wonder Jayy protects him like that. He's worth protecting. I like Sean and nothing is going to change that.





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